Severe Porpoising

I call dibs on Akustikfunktion as my next band name. It will be a folk/funk/German speed metal fusion project. My next side project after that will be Defeat Device, more of an NYC hardcore feel.

You’re really good at that!

........Except, apparently he’s driving a muscle car instead of a bike??

Hi everybody!

So to summarize: 150 years is long enough ago to forget about the ships that brought slaves to America, but not so long ago that we should forget the brave union soldiers (white saviors ftw!) that fought to free them. I’m glad Dr. Takenstein was able to cobble that together for us.

I’m ready to pull myself up by the pollen-sacs and get to work!

“Serious Fraud Office” lol. They must be in big trouble, their case completely bypassed the Casual Fraud Office.

A Walschaert’s! :)

This is quite possibly the nerdiest conversation I’ve ever read. I do mean that in a good way, bravo you two.

This was a great article, very informative. I hope to see more like it.

Given that Musk has publicly stated that his intention is for the Tesla lineup model name to spell out “S3XY” when put together, I have no choice but to assume that “P100D” is supposed to resemble a text-based wiener.

Look, I don’t profess to know a ton about motorcycles. But I take umbrage with the fact that Ghost Rider, the only super hero here whose list of super powers includes “RIDES A BADASS FLAMING HELL-CYCLE”, 1. Only gets one bike, and 2. That it’s a lame looking retiree-bait cruiser. A missed opportunity to say the least.

An inspired choice. Godspeed, Deadspinners (and all other Gawker minions, especially Jalops and io9ers.) Although I have to mention that “We’re going nowhere” has a different connotation than “We’re not going anywhere"........

Every game!

Along with the creepy tongue flick right afterwards!

Well, you can have a MY stars.....

Cincinnati Reds AAA affiliate

Right, but are subsidies functionally different than actual tax dollars? Or are they the same in this case? It sounds like in the stadium deals cash bonds are issued and the city/county pays them back directly, not just indirectly through tax breaks.

So I guess the differences here are that:

That’s kinda what I thought. The counter-argument to that of course is that subsidizing an industrial park that’s used for commerce year-round is different than a gigantic concrete edifice that could potentially be fully utilized only 10 days a year, but they are functionally similar.