Severe Porpoising

Honest question: is there any precedent anywhere for public funds being allocated to build a private place of business in any other cases? For example, has a city government ever ponied up 50% of the costs to build, say, a new Macy’s, or maybe some State Farm insurance offices?

It is actually the opposite of what you said.

Notes from this video:

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I was referring to the Cincinnati Reds of the MLB, who are sitting at 20.5 games back at a .390 winning percentage, not the Rhode Island Reds who are sitting in 5th place of the NPSL at 3-0-3. Honest mistake, I’ll try to be more descriptive next time.

The Reds aren’t good enough for me to hate the Cards this year, but I still root against them just to see these posts!

You guys should totally hang a “2nd Best Team in the MLB” banner! Also, stars for you to keep the dream alive.

You know what Stroh’s spelled backwards is?


While it wouldn’t surprise me if there were those who swore off cars completely after owning a VW, in most cases we can safely assume that there will be a replacement car purchased.

True that. The other reason I keep it is that I still enjoy driving it, despite the oil leaks, ripped seat, ripped headliner, shift boot that doesn’t sit right, inoperable blower motor, peeling paint, and abundance of CELs. Replacement turbo works great though, lots of pep!

I always wondered about this too - in the Green Buildings/LEED homes world, it’s always said that the greenest home is the one that’s already built. It’s this thought that’s making me hold on to my 2004 Jetta TDI. Wouldn’t more emissions be generated by producing my hypothetical new car than would be reduced by

Did you say three........elevens?

Did you s

Not afraid to admit that I got chills from multiple passages in this piece. I think I could use a cold shower now.

Right, couldn’t have formed simultaneously, or at least in parallel, in multiple locations? I feel like that’s like me finding a worm in my garden and declaring it the progenitor of all worms to come.

You get a star, you get a star, you get a star, stars for everyone! Keep the dream alive, woohoo!

“It doesn’t happen in FIFA, but I’ve witnessed draws at European level where it’s happened, but never in FIFA. Of course it can be done, but it never happened under my watch, never.”

I know nothing about this beauty other than I saw it in a parking garage. Seems like it fits here though.


That seems totally unnecessary.