
My 4 yr old who has been tearing up the yard in a power wheel for the past 2 years demanded a car he can drive on the real road now. He also said he wants a motorcycle when he gets bigger the other day. Him and his brother always ask what car (we have 5) are we taking when we go out and get pissed when its not the one

Bah 4 doors, you live in CA.  Get a BMW 128/135 convertible 6 speed.  Drop top makes putting kids in soooo easy.  I have 2 car seats in the back of my 135 vert right now.

Isnt this just a slammed X3?

All that wing and tiny hood scoops!  It should at least have half a 5 gallon bucket on each side of the hood.

Ghosn it feels like he is unluckily going around the Monopoly board, is he ever gonna land on free parking?

Musk just can’t stop giving people ammo with his absolute statements, he said Tesla will not have to raise additional capital ever 2 years ago. Never believe anything out of EM’s mouth or twitter fingers.

Just dont build a POS surface like COTA thats crap after 3 years....  As much as Liberty wants another race in the US it probably is never going to happen.

Wonder if Coilette from Robonia will enter and win every race by miles.

Next month they will announce you can pay $5000 for an OTA update to unlock that additional mileage capacity.

Yes he is a snake oil salesman.

More and more I am convinced EM isnt as smart as most people think.  Either that or his ego is sooooo huge he will never budge in admitting he is wrong.  He totally lives in a delusional world full of his own and others lies.  He needs to go away, hopefully one of the Tesla robotaxis will run him over next year.

This is all smoke an mirrors.  EM is so full of sh!t, he needs to stop smoking crack and watching too much anime believing its real.

Gen Z = Millennials...  It was renamed because many didnt like the Gen Z term.

My nephew who is 18, graduating high school, and going to college this summer. Does not have a drivers license, he is getting one soon only because needs an ID and passport. He is taking his bike to college and has zero interest in driving or cars. So yes his generation’s lack of interest in cars is real.

The most mass produced sports car will never be the best in my book. Maybe its the best sports car for the masses, but not me. Anything produced in that quantity and cheap can’t be anything great, exclusiveness should have some factor into the best sports car.

Brilliant.... bah click bait.   Useless complex programming to make up for peoples inability to navigate into a car wash and remember to roll up their windows...  Probably can double as a feature for the lazy housewife to not scratch the wheels on the Starbucks drive through picking up their daily $7 latte.

By good you mean a shorter taller Subaru?  So its boring an appealing to people of an alternative lifestyle...

Because all the traditional automakers are just coming around from protecting the ICE stream which has worldwide economic impact, they now see the direction mostly being pushed from future government regulations cant be met even with the most efficient ICE.

4th Gear - This is one of my biggest problems with Tesla, an EV shouldnt be $50-120k and paying for useless tech or that which isnt going to be relevant for 10+ years is for suckers.

Sweet that all Tesla’s come standard with Autopilot built into the price increase.