
Was wondering what was going on with FCA, it had been about 4 weeks since the last recall I had heard of, must of been due to the government shutdown.

Exactly.  Just like how there was a crowd wowing over the guy trying to figure out the Ford or GM tailgate that converted to a step or something.  I said to my friend that it appeals to the people who will never put anything in the bed, a real truck guy doesnt need a step to get into the bed.

Tesla Model 3 price cut is because US demand is dying for car which ends up costing $50-80k when everyone signed up expecting $35-40k out the door.

Theres a big Toyota dealer in the area that will only show you the price on the internet after you fill out a form with your contact info, so they can harass you afterwards forever with calls and emails.

People who spend $60-80k on basically a EV Toyota Corolla with a bunch of useless tech have to say they are extremely happy, else it would show they are idiots.  No different than people who spend 2-3x more than they should on an iphone which makes calls, sends texts, and surfs the web just like every other phone

GM should sue itself for its real people ads which are false and misleading 

Yeah, but they can just throw New Jersey back in our face.

Is it going to be about people that look like trailer trash scouring Walmarts for Hot Wheels they dont have yet?

Really a VW rebranded as an Audi then rebranded again as a Porsche. 


All should be good with Harley, they just paid ESPN a boat load to have their name all over X Games and lots of pieces on the electric bike.... plastering advertising is a great way to reach young people...

Most of the coolest names in racing are in cycles especially Moto GP, DTM has some cool ones too. Maybe its just the way the european announcers say their names, much more suave than boring english USA names.

AWD + Snow tires > RWD + Snow tires> AWD + All Seasons

Like Nascar needs more variable targeted gimmick sponsorships. No one cares about Nascar sponsors anymore, its a waste of ad dollars and actually drives viewers away. Sponsorship value in Nascar died the day it was no longer the Winston Cup.

6 figure budget as in $100k or $900k?  The former doesnt get shit in the exotic market and if your budget is $100k it will sit in the driveway because you cant afford to drive and maintain it.

The $30k CLA is a POS... they did sell well I think, I mean I see millennials driving them all the time.  It was also the top or near the top as far as the car people regretted buying the most.  Assume this A class is going to be another POS.  Havent they had the A class in Europe forever and deemed it would never fit

My wifes company has been planning and preparing for a hard Brexit from day 1 and is likely closing a manufacturing facility there.

Was there actually any answers in this ariticle, seemed like a bunch of I dont knows and speculative differences

Its a cool retro version of the LeCar, I like it

I had a new Ford Escape EcoBoost AWD as a loaner for 2 weeks, it gets garbage MPG, even if you drive it nicely.  Whole vehicle was garbage.