
I know BMWs and there is really zero Toyota in this thing. Only thing is maybe the seats? Else its 99.9% BMW. What a shame. Maybe Nissan can ditch the 370 and promise its fanboys a proper retro revival.

American car companies don’t care about those kinds of details.... wait till people start modding the car and destroy the tranny and Ford voids their warranty.

I expected to see Decepticons.  Isnt this where they were hiding?

Reporting on this “trend” is only about 10+ years late

I miss James Stewart, funny you didnt mention his name, though maybe not since the fiasco that happened and caused him to leave the sport.  McGrath was so awesome, it became too easy like Schumacher in F1.

A 2003 Honda Accord

That there are too many self indulgent wieners with too much bloody money.

Speed doesnt kill just like guns dont kill. Idiots behind the wheel are the problem and old people. Like the accident by me this morning, 72yr old veers into the opposite side and kills himself and other vehicle he crashed into.

Its because we are in the Matrix

7 speed manual transmission

Exactly, says this now to hype himself as some sort of grand savior, what an egotistical attention hungry a$$

Been running snows for 20 years, people will never get past the cost, but in reality it is no additional cost over the long run.  I tell people well snow tires are as much as your insurance deductible...

Yeah exactly, their total sales for 2018 are gong to be what 300k, Porsche sells more.

They better not mess with my card, its gives me a super easy $500 post sale rebate, which I have used 4 years in a row.

I’m kinda upset my 08 M5 is only a tenth or two faster than this, and it blows away my 13 135i.

Tesla’s are owned by car idiot fanboys.  None of them have any logical sense about cars.

DCT too or as Porsche calls it PDK. Then maybe the will have an option besides Sport Auto. Crap the Porsche guys might give us manuals back also.

1st Gear - With Ford ditching the cars and focusing on UVs and Trucks, I thought perhaps it might work.  Then as a rental I had a new Ford Escape, what a piece of junk.  Now I am certain Ford is going to die.

But how long can you run it until it goes into limp mode?  4 laps?

I use to be a huge fan of the Winston Cup, when I left I think it was the Sprint/Nextel, how many sellout sponsorship changes has it been since then. The sponsorship is sickening in Nascar, and the broadcasts are unbearable to watch. Every 30 seconds its this or that brought to you by XYZ company.