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    There’s actually an ongoing argument that Ascari’s streak should count as 9 since the only race he didn’t win was Indy which shouldn’t count since no other F1 driver was going to Indy at that time.

    Heck, I’m almost certain that this is partly a ploy to see if there be enough enthusiasts raising a stick and if there’ll be an uptick in sales of the remaining stock of manual cars to justify bringing the manual back at a premium. Basically trying to force what happened with the 911R.

    A lot of these self checkout systems got their start in countries where the aging population meant that there were less young people to work as cashiers (Japan in particular). But then business owners in places that weren’t facing the same situation saw that doing this saved money and decided to just bring the

    So since this is Alfa, this means only 33 will actually ever be built right? Or will they do the Italian thing like their sister company Ferrari and lie about the numbers and secretly build more?

    To make all those who hadn’t been able to get one feel bad and, conversely, pad the egos of the billionaires who did get one.

    Didn’t Mazda bring the MX-30 to California just for some emissions requirement?

    I didn’t know that I was desperately wanting for that reference.

    How quick the failure of the Karma made people forge that Henrik Fisker designed some of the prettiest cars ever.

    Reading about a “highway in Kuwait,” I first thought it was a tongue and cheek reference to the “Highway of Death” Highway 80 during the Gulf War, but reading about it being for the number of annual deaths on a different highway is pretty sobering.

    I mean, at the rate things are going, I’m not sure sanity is a requirement for getting a gun in America.

    Mercedes just released the redesigned AMG GT Coupe, and now, it’s a four-seater, too.

    It looks good, but not white with Martini stripes good.

    Needs more RE Amemiya.

    Obligatory RX-7.

    So is it safe to say that after this, he’s gonna get the ax? No way he’s keeping his job after this life hack.

    I’ll see myself out.

    Considering that some the buyers of the previous coach built model, the Boat Tail, were Jay-Z and Beyonce, you would be correct.

    Considering people did buy the Boat Tail, which was the predecessor to this car, at $28 million, rich people will buy something like this.

    It’s supposed to be removable so you can wear it on your wrist. That’s just the holder in the open position where you can pull it out. For some reason, Jalopnik didn’t post the photos of it in the closed position (which every other outlet did).

    for example, what do you do with the Audemars if you’re already wearing your favorite Blancpain, and you park in a dodgy area without the roof on?

    But isn’t that exactly what a company building a homologation special for a series/spec designed to discourage homologation specials would say?