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    They should have gone the extra mile and made the logo on the Sakura pair slimy and shrivel up when you get salt on it.

    I wish it was going away, but i just don’t see it. Shareholders elect board members who DO have a legal obligation, as a fiduciary, to work in those shareholders’ best financial interests, so prioritizing profits is baked into the system and has been from the beginning.

    Not sure what you’re driving at, here. Are you saying that corporations don’t put their shareholders returns above their employees or are you being pedantic and saying that there’s nothing in the law books that mandates this, regardless of what reality is telling us?

    It boggles my mind that nearly half of the US genuinely thinks that deregulating corporations and removing any external accountability from the equation will somehow change the fact that corporations’ one and only reason for being is to enrich their shareholders. Genuine concern for employee well-being and being a

    Sure, individual boycotts aren’t super effective at enacting change when compared to an organized mass boycott, but at least you won’t be implicitly condoning the toxicity by continuing to give those board members more of your money. Get enough people to take a personal stand and the shareholders will have to start

    It’s a shitty situation, but in our capitalist dystopia, the only action consumers can do to show their disdain for the toxicity in the company is to hit the board and shareholders where it hurts...their pocketbooks. If people continue to buy Acti/Blizz products allowing the company to continue to make money, the

    This is especially true of the type of people that seem to be inundating the right-wing, nowadays. When conspiracy theories make more sense to them than reality, expecting them to grasp satire is just asking for the moon.

    Ah, my mistake. Seemed like the implication was that Activision was the source of the rot.

    You’re making the faulty assumption that the Blizz side wasn’t an active participant in this toxicity. I personally know several people who have been the target of, or have witnessed, sexual harrassment by Blizz devs who tried to use the “prestige” of being a Blizz dev as justification/ammo, and quite a few of those

    ..you have absolutely no idea what game designers actually do, do you?

    Congrats, you are that guy.

    You keep leaning on in-universe contextualization to ignore the real world implication. You don’t need to replace a minority character with a white character to white wash....as with all things, there are degrees. Lightning the skin color of a person to skew closer to white is still white washing...it’s still saying

    Way to assume my ethnicity, that’s rather shitty of you/

    Anyone who takes issue with people being angry about characters that look like themselves being whitewashed really needs to check their privilege.

    In the clone war cartoon, all of the clones looked like Morrison so we had a person of polynesian descent represented in the show. However, their role, while expansive, was largely secondary to the white and entirely alien primary protagonists of the show, which has been standard in the Star Wars universe with a

    Must be nice have never had your ethnicity treated as a novelty when it wasn’t marginalized or rendered non-existent in popular culture growing up.

    It’s sad how the NRA started as a gun education and safety group and has devolved into mindless gun fetishists it is today, and how so many of the policies they push cater to the latter than the former.

    More proof that fines are simply society’s way of letting rich people get away with things that they don’t want poor people doing.  If jail time or actual community service hours/days were the punishment for these infractions, do you think he’d just keep on doing it?

    The article isn’t just talking about the bucky balls pictured at the header. Toy makers were building magnets into toys intended for little children until it was banned. Little kids being little kids, those magnets were ending up swallowed. With the reversal of the ban, toy makers are back to putting magnets into

    The issue isn’t just fidget toys like these. The problem was that toy makers were actually building magnets into their toys made specifically for children until they were banned from doing so. These are where a large number of the hospital visits came from...children playing with toys they were supposed to play with

    Why stop at Best Direction?  Why not just prevent any game that forced its devs to crunch from receiving any accolades.  Sure the devs deserve recognition for their work but at the end of the day, these awards have absolutely no tangible benefit for the devs themselves.  Meanwhile, the publishers can go around