
Wait, so they bought a bus and converted it to an RV, then they all took a vacation to Hawaii together, and now they’ve been on a “road trip” (i.e. another vacation) since late June?

Tesla started out strong with the Roadster.


I get that you can’t necessarily embed the video here when it belongs to someone else, but would it be the worst thing ever to just have a link that clearly says CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO?

Gotta admit I kept muttering “no one dressed like that in the ‘90s, you turnip” under my breath at some of the dudes wearing head to toe Dixie cup outfits

Your Saab was one of the highlights of the show for me. I thought it was a 99 at first, because I never see a notchback 900. I didn’t get a chance to say hi, but I absolutely enjoyed getting to see your beautiful Saab. I hope it’s a daily driver!

It was a great show once we got in, but it took literally an hour to go the 2,000 feet from Delaware Street to the parking lot.

Nobody needs laws to protect popular, inoffensive speech.

Same! Thank goodness for actual weird designs in the world of EVs. It’s nice that Tesla and Ford can sell EVs to middle America by making the most boring designs possible, but I came to the future for weird shit.

I’ve never wanted a concept to be real as much as this.

I was really coming around to loving the square grille of the Z Proto, but I get why they did this.

Once upon a time…

I’ve only had mine about a year so far, but it’s been solid. 

Love you Lawrence for featuring my favorite weird ride. The looks I get when I tell someone I spent 6 months searching for just the right model and year of a 15 year old minivan…

Now I need to find a way to make that happen for real

I call it R2D2

The Nissan Quest from ‘04-’06 had one of my favorite weird dashboards. I bought one partly on the strength of its quirky console alone.

People already are accountable for their speech. The First Amendment doesn’t protect anyone from the consequences of their speech, it only says the government doesn’t get to be the arbiter.

Could the bean counters at Herb Co please give David a camera budget so he doesn’t have to juggle with his phone to make a video?

That’s gorgeous.