
All Republicans know how to do is lie.

They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to

Enthusiast already complaining that the stations aren't air cooled. 

Naa. They will migrate all built-in parts failures to software flaws. Get ready for proprietary software diagnoses at $140/hr.

The Germans needn’t worry - I’m sure they’ll be able to engineer the electric-motor equivalent of an Audi timing-chain system and keep their mojo.

That’ll be great for all the older cars still on the road requiring 87 octane.

A Tesla spokesperson gave Jalopnik the following statement:

Evening beautiful Jezzies...Craft Thread!


Excuse me? DLMs are beautiful. However, I honestly think making it look “worse” by doing that would make it look better.

They sure don’t build ‘em like they used to. Remember when cars were made of steel and patriotism, could be fixed with nothing more than a flathead screwdriver and sheer force of will, and would drive multiple dozens of miles with just a valve job, carburetor tune-up, distributor adjustment, chassis lube, fan belt

A. My ex-boss is one of those yankees you speak of. You can keep her, no worries.

Might as well trade Texas and Florida for Guam, Mariana and U.S. Virgin islands, and whatever else I may be missing while we’re at it.

SC out, Puerto Rico in. Git’er done!


Canadian farmers just over the border from his farm make almost twice that much. (American farmers made about $25 per 100 pounds of milk in 2014.) That’s because Canada has a quota system—and higher retail milk prices—that help its dairy farmers earn a better living

But the price for those (now domestic) goods goes up, because they’re still more expensive to produce here. Since the manufacturing capacity doesn’t already exist here, demand outstrips supply, and the prices climb even more. Money doesn’t grow on trees, so people can afford less goods and the standard of living

They are playing him based on the Astros scouting reports, guh. Blame the Astros.

My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.