
To your last point you should look at the biggest city near you for better prices usually competition brings prices down, and good research

I think it will work as far as incentives for fixing the recall, im gonna hurry up and get it done i assume others will see it worth their time and possibly their safety as well

All that news sounds fantastic, but i hope, no pray, i pray they update that design a bit. The face is just off putting the lines are great the grill and headlights need reworked.

I take that bet and say they will also look at the other devices on the market and say they only improved upon product already in the market place, the only difference was and is ios. Apple would rather be in the field alone, without competition, actions speak louder than words, but steve already told everyone he

well said! And i like apple I think they make excellent products, but this is trolling 101

that's what I'm saying! Either your patent covers a specific function that is in use or you have no right to sue over it.

the same could be said about apple

i like the comment section, fanboys crying it out always makes me chuckle!

"-Apple isn't suing under FRAND patents and getting chided by the court for doing so, Samsung is doing that" really?

IPhone innovative? Just a rehash of products already on the market, the difference was and is ios. Apple like EVERY OTHER COMPANY sees something they can improve and make money, they do it, but innovative that's really stretching the definition of the word. Think about it, how many other companies take ideas not their

so does apple, the smart phone was there before apple, and the ipad? the only thing they did differently than the competition was optimize apps for the bigger screen, which is better than the goggle way, but not innovative. Improving on existing ideas is nothing new and apple is just another company that does it.

That's to be determined in a court of law, also he held an ipad 1 and samsung tab as those were the products in question in their last trail.

Which is what Apple is what apple is doing