earl by god morrall

Hopefully the Cubs fans will expect them to choke, like always. Pete Rose once said: The Cubs will always lose as long as their fans expect them to. The he took the Cubs and the odds against his own Reds in a weekday day game and then made sure his pitcher would be hung over.

Buck and Pat Moron. Good one. Didn’t their mom and or dad figure they were going to have a tough time coming up, or did they stick with the family name to harden them like the boy named Sue?

No shit. How come stupid people always complain when smart people prove it?

NFL and SEC. Try to use last week to predict next week or even the first half to predict the second half.

I’ve been doing that for 3 weeks now

how hard is it to not fuck up in fantasy football? i started kenyan drake over darren sproles.

You’re better off than me the Fins fan who started Kenyan Drake because he was staring against the Browns instead of Darren Sproles who I drafted to do just what he did Sunday. So I end up watching that whole Browns-Dolphins game like a fool. Some losses are called moral victories, I guess this alleged win should be

Now playing

Jason Molina was one bad dude. I cant get enough of Songs Ohia or Magnolia Electric Company. I discovered him through my Lucero pandora station. From The Dark Don’t Hide It:

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every thing is prey to some sort of predator at one time or another. barracuda eats lionfish:

Here Blowell is unhappy or kinda pissed really that Steve Kerr is happy at the beginning of a new season. He gets a little off kilter when Kerr refuses to second guess himself or Warrior players about the last 4 minutes of game 7.

Earlier you mentioned that The Donzi Scheme never was funny. A thinking man would agree. At first I thought he would make a great stand up comedian when he was just fucking with JEB?, Gross Grosstie, Marci Rubio, Turd Cruz, et al. Now he is fucking with all of us and it sucks that he is this close to being elected,

No shit. Only one Jane Doe? And why would a full grown man prefer Jane over John, the Penn State nation wonders.

wait till they take down the statue of your best football coach and haul it away. you know, uh, dude, uh....what’s his name? Oh wait the only coach statue at IU probably still tells people to fuck off when they walk by and if they stop and say “You talking to me?”, the statue probably kicks their ass or throws a chair

You slipped that one through. Good job


Reality Trumps humor. yes, Trumps is appropriate here. But it fucks my erstwhile Perv State post all up.

If he gets elected, I hope you are right.

This shit ain’t funny no more. If The Donzi Scheme gets elected, he will really fuck shit up. You know the Republicans who say they don’t support him now will get behind him 110% if he gets elected. Bitch McConnell and Paul Ryan will have a daily contest to see who can get his tongue up Trumps ass farther.

nevermind. i tried to paste/post a support the magnetic ribbon industry ribbon.

meant to post: