
“No. Facebook won’t be deciding what’s “illegal” they’ll be deciding what they won’t allow in their site.”

In completely unrelated news, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube appear to be updating their terms of service to include the phrase “I agree that I do not reside in Germany”.

The problem is that is forces private companies to take over the job from the police. Every time you see one of these laws it is because the politicians and police have realized that they don’t have the manpower to keep up. So, they want the tech companies to do it for them. The same applies to the movie and music

Ah yes, censorship, the real kind, the government mandated kind. Sorry Germany.

It seems to me that if this policy is “bad”, then the solution would be not to censor legal speech whatsoever.

Quantitative extension of life is a fools errand. We should be focusing our efforts (which many scientists are, don’t get me wrong) on increasing the quality of life for people right up until the day they naturally keel over and die.

God dammit. I wondered why the beads on my abacus were all stuck together. Now I have to come up with $300 to decrypt it.

Offline backups, people.

STFU with your tech nonsense. I come here for crybaby political suicide.

Again, atheists take the logical stand that there is no god until you can prove there is one. That’s logic. There is no evidence of it’s existence, so until then, there is no god.

Pilots are supposed to keep their cool and get the plane safely in. Please tell me how making people panic because hes asking them to pray to their makers helps anything?

Agnosticism and atheism aren’t mutually exclusive, you can in fact be both an agnostic and an atheist

Eh. Lots of atheists back down and call themselves agnostics for the sake of having a reasonable conversation with evangelists and believer zealots who wouldn’t give us the time of day otherwise. That’s all it is. Being open to presentation of opposing evidence if it exists doesn’t make one an agnostic. It just

Not really. I believe there isn’t a god because despite overwhelmingly concerted attempts to convince people otherwise, zero credible evidence has turned up. It’s the sound and logical progression of belief in the face of the science. Telling me there’s a god is like telling me there’s a magical teapot halfway

No, atheism is common sense. When faced with an extraordinary claim like that of the existence of a all powerful being, one needs extraordinary proof. In the absence of that proof, the null hypothesis of there being no god takes precedence. Basically atheists take the default position. No god until you can prove

Does this mean we’ve solved the mystery of MH370? Clearly they must have either failed to pray or prayed to the wrong god.

No, atheism is saying that you shouldn’t believe in anything without proof. Doing so is foolish. That’s it. Agnosticism is a half measure that denies the simple fact that you can’t prove a negative. There will never be proof that god doesn’t exist. There will only ever be lack of proof that it does. Also, religion

cool witty atheists

Don’t worry, I’m sure they arrived safely because someone on the flight prayed. That always works.

Oh geez, cue the ultra uptight and defensive religious folks and their God nonsense