they look amazing, but why not color the start/select buttons as well?
they look amazing, but why not color the start/select buttons as well?
take a bow sir.
I see a more realistic Guile.
Glad to see NHL win best Sports game. That was the most impressive thing I saw to be honest.
when do we see the cosplay? All I'm seeing is concept art.
If what I played at E3 was 30fps I am okay with this. It was smooth and was one of the few racing games to actually make me feel like I was going fast.
Bound by Flame
I'd like to add the whole Wolfenstein: The New Order game to this list. There have been some super violent parts that made me feel a little happier than I probably should have felt.
Ubisoft sucking at coding games has nothing to do with the fact that the PS4 could run Watch Dogs with the modded specs. Infamous, The Order, Assassin's Creed: Unity and plenty of other games have proven that. I'll gladly sacrifice frame rate on some games for them to look better.
It could easily pull this off. The game was held back by the last gen versions of the game.
I was pooping, is that cheating?
well they talk about this new engine that they are using which can do things they "can't do with other engines" and then they don't really show it off.
That's what I thought. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
I am intrigued. I do wish it didn't look so much like STALKER that I can't tell them apart though.
The draw distance was already amazing on last gen. I cant wait to see game play for current gen systems. A friend and I had already known this was going to be coming to current gen systems well before the game had even hit last gen, a trailer they released looked way better than the game we got.
There is also the guy that just stands in the middle and gets annoyed when people push him.
I was really happy to hear them in Far Cry 3. I thought they fit the level perfectly.
just make 2043 and avoid all issues together.
Me and my friends made this. I think it conveys my feelings quite well.
I watched it on my phone and didn't have any issues. :(