
I've been calling it a Halo/borderlands/diablo baby. Halo for the obvious reasons, borderlands for the co-op exploration loot fest, and Diablo for the hub world and the way strikes (dungeons) are done.

But it makes me laugh so muuuuuch. Laugh with me! Enjoy my enjoys.


I walked by that hulk hands guy in my hotel. Haha

it's what they said Watch_Dogs would be.

Cant wait to see it for myself tomorrow!

someone's gonna be in trouble.

I came to say this exact thing. It seems to only record after I initially go to the share menu.

Well you're brain has been rewired. You are now a pawn of Satan's evil empire. You must burn all the books you cherish, so that Lord Kindle can reign supreme.

I wanted to listen to the whole thing, but once he stated that "Reading your books on a reader, changes the way you remember things" I had to stop. I am okay with people being outspoken against things. But please back up your claims with something that makes sense.

I can see where you are coming from. I fear that when I final play The Phantom Pain, I wont be as excited as I was to watch gameplay at last years E3. I look forward to walking the showroom this year and trying out all the new games and taking in the flashing lights.

I actually thought the pink suit man looked more of asian decent rather than a white guy. Seeing has how the game takes place in the Himalayas.

When are we going to get a console AC title with a female protagonist?

I am totally accustomed to bright maps, due to games like Killzone, Halo and Uncharted. Dark doesn't equal brown and dull. It is a dark green and reminds me of Dagobah.

Swampland doesn't look at bad as I thought it was going to look. Its dark and is a nice change of pace from the usual bright maps of Titanfall.