
First off, I'm glad you came clean and I really, really hope you stopped swatting. It just seems pretty cruel, all for shits 'n giggles, when all it takes is one officer with a trigger finger to shoot at some unarmed kid with a headset on.

First off, very interesting article, Patrick. Just had to edit and put that in there. :)

There's just no pleasing the blissfully stupid.

Oh. My. God. That last one just broke my heart.

I can see both sides of the "DON'T EVER LEASE" vs. "LEASE IF YOU WANT TO" debate, but the deal breaker for me is having to keep track of miles. I love to drive and having to budget mileage doesn't sit well with me.

My daughter recently educated me in the differences between shade and side-eye. Mind blown.

Can't wait for the drives-on reviews. I have a Mazda3 and love it. Can't imagine how much fun I'll have in this new Miata (my first, too!).

*sigh* I think half of my followers are bots.

Just wanted to say THANK YOU for the transparency.

I'll be right there with you, haha!

So true. Or what kind of deadly soles I have on my boots for it to have a one-hit kill.

Like in real life, though, I'll probably overcook it and kill myself.

I thought the EXACT same thing. Also, my knife should be useful as a weapon and not as just a hacking device.

Right? I'm caught off guard how much this affects me.

I grew up watching Mork & Mindy. I was totally convinced that Mork was not of this world — he was that so convincing. Mrs. Doubtfire was another character that left an impression. I never had the chance to meet him in person, but I've heard stories of how kind and down-to-earth he was when he did meet fans and others

I had to seriously convince my sister that mermaids were NOT real and that documentary was more fictional than anything. I don't think she believes me, so kudos to the director, producers and actors for fooling a lot of people.

I actually would. "Totes" would me an equal offense.

I would smack someone… anyone who says "obvi" to my face.

He said he didn't view the people as real, or what he was doing as anything other than a joke, and if it hurt feelings, "those people have bigger problems and it's not my fault."

Me and you both.