
The things people do to get a smidge of notoriety continues to astound me.

I just found this youtube video a couple of weeks ago. Needless to say, I've become a fan and I hope autotuning will never be an option in her future. Also, I love acoustic guitar.

I lived in Alameda, CA and have regularly seen cyclists blow through stop signs and stop lights — it became a regular game with my daughter and I, as we'd bet if this guy/girl on a bicycle will stop for me and it's never happened (lived there for 8 years).

I read this and thought, "Man, it would suck to lose juice right when I get to the TSA agent..."

I don't blame 'em. These kids probably have an adult with an iPhone or iPad with retina display. This would probably look like a piece of junk compared to 'em.

I can't stop staring either…

I had these same haircuts in highschool, back in 1995, lol!


I got some wireless Astro A50s 3-4 months ago. I read about them for months before I took the expensive plunge and I am very, very satisfied. I invested in a flat, slim HDTV and because of that, the sound suffered. I was thinking about supplementing it with a soundbar, but I live on the 2nd floor of an apartment so

I got some wireless Astro A50s 3-4 months ago. I read about them for months before I took the expensive plunge and I

Another idiot who can't take video correctly. :(

Stop the presses.

That dude's a tool and he shouldn't have friends when he treats people like that. As cruel as he was to you, I'm glad he's not in the picture anymore and you're better off without him.

Did you date Satan's spawn? That's so evil on so many levels, couldn't this person wait a day or two?

Lucky. Bastard.

Annnd another idiot that shoots video in portrait mode.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Dinklage's VO was very generic. "You are our last hope," from the E3 the trailer sounded so bland, like he was bored.

I've seen this more than once — usually it's car show participants who have to drive to the venue and don't want their hard work chipped. I can see it as an occasional thing but if your car is daily driven, then… why bother?

$1000 processing fee?! Wow. I hope you gave 'em the finger as you walked out.

Thanks for posting this!

Thanks for posting this! should have a long enough micro USB.