
It means you can't record spur-of-the-moment, 30-second clips when you can't say, "Xbox, record that" until they release a manual way of doing it. As much as I'm used to saying it out loud, it's still not 100% and I'd gladly turn off all the Kinect features if I know a button press gets the results I want.

So awesome.

I don't think it's as much outrage mentality as it is just oversharing, in general. I see where he's coming from, reading his tweets. I don't agree with him, but I don't think he has to lose his job just because he tweeted unpopular opinions about a heated subject.

This makes sense, but it's sooo confusing.

I've been in love with Yvonne Strahovsky since her "Chuck" days. Glad to see she's still kicking ass without the corny rom-com lines. Also, this is the FIRST time I've ever watched 24 and been affected by the excruciating thrills of being tense for a whole episode.


What expense are you talking about? And since when did having a choice only be afforded to PC gaming and not consoles?

That's not even the point. I game exclusively on a console, too, but having choices is a good thing. I don't see how you or anyone would not want choices when experiencing games.

Here's an idea, game devs. Gamers are always happy when you give them choices. Please continue do so.

This is my opinion (which you can take for what it's worth) but from what I read, they wanted the baby to participate in this wedding. I just don't know how attaching the baby to your train qualifies as participating.

Nice Hunger Games reference, lol!

Yeah, this will pretty much kill any chance of 4K content getting to the majority of households. Way to go Sony and Samsung.

So awesome. Way to keep at it and I'm glad she recorded it. :)

Aww, that dog jumped just for the heck of it. Too bad it totally miscalculated the distance. An adorable fail, for sure.

The brunette is cute.

I second this. I wish I can listen to the soundtrack at work, but from what I read the music might actually spoil things in the game so I'm waiting until I finish it. What's funny is, I don't want it to end.

Speaking as an older guy who's recently single… this makes me sick.

I was just telling my sister, while I was creating an email account for a 9 year-old, "This shit's just so damn complicated. I miss the days when someone's Player 1 and the other guy is Player 2."

One of the things I just discovered was adding a new "user" to play on my Xbox One. My 9 year-old nephew and I spent Memorial Day weekend playing together and I naively assumed I can just add a new profile, pick out a gamertag for him and make sure his points/achievements/saves get saved on the hard drive. He'll never

Titanfall pretty much ruined me. If I can't double-jump or wall-run to get to places, I won't bother.