
You're not investing; you're donating.

So did they fix it? I might just do that since I'm still stuck to my current phone for another year and change. I'd like to be able to bust it out and take pictures, even in low light without issues.

No, it's not affecting 100% of HTC Ones and it's not a physical issue with the camera cover as it only happens at night when the camera is looking for light information or whatever. Enough HTC Ones have been reported with this issue that when I went back to Sprint to get it replaced, they had an exchange code for it.

I'm a recent fan of the show, thanks to some binge-watching. But damn, did my jaw drop after Kalinda pulled the curtain to show Will dead. And to see her break down was just too, too much.

Thanks, Brent. Re-reading what I posted, I did not mean to sound ungrateful for the coverage. I love my 1st gen HTC One, but that issue is very frustrating and I don't think there's a fix for it. I hope this new version does not have that issue.

This is all well and great but does that purple haze still show up? I'm on my 2nd HTC One and the issue just wont' go away.

Another pro-tip I learned after being killed: If you manually eject while someone's riding your titan, you shoot up in the air with the enemy directly above you so just aim up for an easy kill. I had no idea what was going on after I just shot up in the air with the titan not dead and I watched the replay.

I think someone was smart enough to shoot their gun at me inside the titan, wait until the clip is empty then throw a satchel mine at the open latch. They jumped off and remote-detonated it and it pretty much did me in.

I thought I was the only one. There have been times I get caught looking at the great scenery, only to be jump kicked in the back by someone. It's funny, sure… but not fun.

Idiots like this kid is the reason why we can't have nice things. I hope he has to pay for all the damages incurred.

I got a whole new TV setup, just for this game (I was due to replace my 8 year old 37-inch 720p TV anyway) but man… this game is gorgeous. I wish I could explore the maps a bit before I get shot in the head or kicked in the back.

Let's not make excuses for a-holes. They're free to be as bigoted and dumb as they want to be, but letting them get away with it without any consequence is just as bad.

I basically mute everyone. I'd love to play a team-oriented shooter but it'll just devolve and it's not worth it. Unless I'm rolling deep with some friends, I don't bother talking to or hearing people I don't know.

Also, anyone who spout racial/stupid/idiotic shit gets beat down quick. Everyone's well-behaved and follows house/arcade rules. It just makes for a better experience all around. I miss that.

I'd have to agree. I'm a seasoned gamer and I miss having friends over for a game or three… or playing against people in arcades. Online multiplayer is great and all, but can't replace being social.

I wanna hug her eyes, they're so BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL.

Ok, I'm in trouble. I'm hooked after UK English.

Has anyone brought this guy on charges? Cuz, I couldn't even finish reading that, it's so vile.

During the beta, I watched two people just jump kick each other. It was the most hilarious thing I've seen, lol!
