
I wasted sooo much money on this game in the arcades. And all I had to show for it was a couple of cards and a puny aura.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Been leasing a Comcast cable modem (Ubeeeeee) and it's stuck next to a Belkin WiFi router (Surf N300). Both obviously need to be updated. Thanks Lifehacker!

Pardon my ignorance but did they ever fix that bug that plagued the previous game (and prioritized DLC over it)?

Yeah, I agree. I tried out Hulu Plus and the commercials ended it for me.

The eyes... cute glasses... she can talk gibberish to me any day.

Emma Stone can make my Jif sandwiches any day of the week.

"I couldn't love someone I didn't give birth to."

Yeah, no. DON'T be a Glass-hole.

You have a point and it makes perfect sense. But it seems like everyone has a smartphone capable of video yet it doesn't seem like it's curbing anything.

I hear you. I'm fortunate enough to have options. I'm with Comcast right now, but if does get worse, Uverse would be a viable option. Thing is, not everyone is as lucky with options and that's what Comcast is banking on.

"… the new normal will be whatever Comcast wants it to be."

Bravo. But just to be honest, the fedora + trench combo would've been a the obvious clue.

I haven't felt anything close since Friday Night Lights. Coach and Tami Taylor are a tough act to follow.

Good. Last thing I want is to see her burn out.

Uugh. These livestreams are killing me. Cannot wait to actually play this game and not watch it.

Guys, this is just for when we get invites. It doesn't mean invites are popping up now (or are they?). Vince Zampella said that invites will be sent out later today or earlier. Keep those heads up!

How is this possible?! Seriously, I thought it was a photo of Jennifer Lawrence. Wow.

It isn't really about me; it's about her.

I believe in how long something lasts and how often you use them to quantify how much something is really worth. From what you're saying, the Astros have given you years of use so I think it's definitely money well spent. Thanks for posting.

Thanks so much, Shaggy. If I can get the best audio I can, then I do say money is no object (to a point). I have read up on all the components you've mentioned and the Sennhesiers are definitely on my radar.