
Ever since I’ve become aware of Gina Carano’s toxic political ideology, basically a hardcore Trump supporter who has unscientific beliefs in Covid, I’ve had a harder time liking Cara Dune and half wishing she’d be killed off. Prior to learning that though I loved the character. Ironic that a character that supports

Counterpoint. Tropes are tools and anything should stay on the table. A good writer can make just about anything work. 

I say this as a fellow little fella, but I feel like Tom is a little small for Nathan Drake. I know he’s supposed to be “young” Drake, but the small = young concept is a weird Hollywood thing. It’s not like people tend to grow six inches when they hit 30 or something.

Now playing

I feel like it’s obligatory to watch this great video when talking about ESB.

“..the franchise can recruit an army of incredibly talented authors to create stories..” They should try hiring them to write the screenplays for the films.

Yeah, shockingly, the guys that created an almost universally acclaimed series for 4-6 seasons actually knew what they were doing some of the time.

But knowing evil people like him he’ll probably end up being fine, the worst ones always live 

Product of the time —and agreed. Still, for that time, having any defense of black men as a white author was pretty out there.

Yup, King Conan with Arnold is pretty much the only Arnold Schwarzenneger movie I want to see that hasn’t been made.It was teased way back when, we’ve waited long enough, we deserve it gorram it! And you know Schwarzenneger would game for it - dude's still really proud of that role. 

James Cameron spares no expense!

I don’t hate it one bit, but will call it the nonsensical mess that it is, and that I could only follow because I’ve played the games and knew some of the lore. I’ve actually seen it 3 times. The CGI in it looks great; Ben Foster is great in it, and it’s a pretty fun movie to watch, but I would still call it a bad

I’m really at this point just advocating for the forced removal of Trump, Pence, Barr, McConnell, Graham by any means necessary
Voting them out, impeachment, arrest, industrial accident, mechanical failure of transportation, natural disaster, angry mob dragging them out into the street, gunshot, guillotine 

Yeah thanks for saying this because that comment shows they don’t know game design. You can’t just reuse assets from totally different game engines. Maybe he meant the art style. But reuse is the wrong word. Staying true to tone is much better way to look at it

Yeah, this isn’t “What if superheroes were actually bad”; this is “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely; Super powered people would be corrupt by default, and this is our interpretation of what a ‘real’ Superhero would look like”.

Man I am looking so forward reading about you how you tried to storm the white house after Trump stole the election and fucked the minorities more and more. Because black men already are murdered. You have concentration camps and even children already died in them. Weirdly enough you didnt storm the white house, but

I mean, RDR2 has ghosts, vampires, aliens, cave trolls, cannibal villages, etc. I think the idea that RDR2 was aiming for historical accuracy is flawed. It does try to make the point that the hollywood depictions of the wild west weren’t ever real while also basically being one of those depictions. But its aim was

Yes I blame those people in Nazi Germany and those people who fought in the Civil War for the South, why? Because in a circumstance like that you do have a choice. These are society altering wars, not a normal day-to-day struggle of choice to do what’s right

Picture this:

I can only imagine the controversy and outcry if lynchings were depicted in the game, or even “Coloreds Only” or “Whites Only” signs, there would have been an insane amount of outrage over Rockstar included details like that in the game.

Anyone else picturing how this article would have been written if the game HAD included those elements?

“RDR 2 is incredibly unwelcoming to people of color. Everywhere there are signs that say “whites only” and “no blacks”. NPCs react differently to your white character and your black counterparts in the game...”