
Yeah, I would’ve felt a lot better about this before season 3 of Westworld. I thought season 2 was a big dip in quality compared to 1 (they made things deliberately confusing by jumping around a lot, instead of letting the mystery reveal itself over time), but then season 3 just felt like generic network television

And then cast Ron Perlman, of course.

Not abuse, he cheated on her.  

I mean, I wouldn’t say cheating isn’t immoral, but I do agree that it doesn’t mean you’re immoral in other ways. And I also agree that it has absolutely nothing to do with feminism. It’s kind of a weird jump to me: if you cheat on a woman, you’re not a feminist? Does that mean if you cheat on a man, you’re not a

Oh who cares. People cheat on their husbands, on their wives. Do you think people who get divorced are immoral too? Grow the fuck up, its 2020.

His ex accused him of infidelity and emotional manipulation.

Seriously. And Whedon is also one of those directors who has multiple loyal actors who work with him regularly. You don’t get that by being abusive (although someone can certainly become abusive over time).

The problem with just defaulting to siding with the alleged abused is this is people’s livelihood. A false accusation that takes someone off Twitch for a few weeks while they investigate could cause some serious financial harm to some of the smaller streamers who don’t have mountains of cash lying around.

The question is what makes an accusation credible? Is it simply the existence of an accusation that will make twitch wash their hands of you? Multiple accusations? Proof? A conviction?

The problem is Twitch is horrible about preferential treatment and what may get a lower tiered streamer banned might not even be a blip

Honestly I have mixed feelings about this.

On the one hand, I definitely think twitch shouldn’t give a platform to abusers, but I’m a little leery of them banning accused abusers, and not proven abusers. Hard to think of a valid correction for that though, given how hard it typically is for victims to see any justice

Why am I not impressed?

Unfortunately, real-world evil people tend to live a very long time :(

One thing people are forgetting is that she knew all this before he was elected.

“Turns out that Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, is part of the resistance, or she just happens to hate her uncle just as much as the rest of America, but either way she’s set to release a tell-all book that is expected to blow the barn doors off the White (Supremacy) House.”

That’s a pretty normal reaction to pervasive, dehumanizing violence in the real world. Shock gives way to numbness as you try to cope, which eventually mutates into anger as you realize the pointless, destructive nature of it all. You’re mad all the time, you just want it to be over, but you can’t quit, not until the

And let’s say that WAS true, that he did trip and fall (HE DID NOT.)

I mean, he did trip and the same way that someone might trip and fall after getting shoved down a flight of stairs.

EXACTLY! At least 20 offices had to agree to say that he tripped after WATCHING HIM GET PUSHED. That’s not 2 bad apples, that’s the whole fucking force - that’s systemic.

You left out a key element of this. The official report first stated that the man “tripped and fell”... that Is, until the video emerged.

“They told me to go down and ‘take a look,’ just to check it out,” Trump said.”