
For me an uncompromising lawful-good hero is only interesting if they live in a world where they are the exception to the rule. That being that way is a struggle, not the norm. So far this just looks and sounds tedious.

Also known as the least interesting era of Star Wars other than the times of the new trilogy.

Fuck I love that show! (First thought in my head after watching that.)

Clickbait by pissing people of? There are some really good actors on that list

I love these kind of a articles, they give me tons of ideas for the rpgs i dungeon master :)

This and the shite strategi the living used, keep their best soldiers (Unsullied) on the field to get slaughtered instead of up on the walls, the blind, unnecessary and suicidal cavalry charge by the Dothraki and finally keeping their siege engines in front of their walls instead of behind them.

I love the book to pieces, and I can take all the odd and to my mind not so good changes they have made for the show, but when the show makes me stop rotting for Shadow while he’s fighting Mad Sweeney something is just off.

Sweden does (I am a Swede).

Actually Thor can and has been in space without a mask in the movies, last in Infinity War when he starts up Nidalavir.

I loved it, for me one of the Marvel movies best orgin stories, the humor really worked for me, Brie and Sam had a good buddy thing going on, Ben was good and funny and I loved flerkin (and I’m not a cat person). Sam cgi was scary good, Caulsons not so much ( a bit of uncanny valley there).

First trailer of this movie that I liked, the others made it look painfully mediocre, but this made me want to see it. Humor for the win.

The reasons you should dislike this movie have nothing to do with the ethnicity or gender of any of the people involved making it. It had a shitty script by a man who does not care about the continuety of these movies, plot wize, character wize, tonal wize... Fuck all these racist shitbags who make it difficult for

Thank you, love articles like this one. Gave me a bunch of stuff to play around with for my own game :)

I disagree, the only Far Cry game I have not finished is Far Cry 2, in big part due to the anoying breaking guns. Guns don’t fall apart in the matter of a few days, there are guns that are over 200 years old that can still be fired today. If they bring back this mechanic then give us the option to clean the guns so

It’s a fun stupid popcorn movie

My first unfiltered thought when reading the headline and seeing the photo was “that looks like a real controller” :P

You mean the best season of Angel where they got rid of the monster of the week crap, and only focused on a continous arc of awesomness, which was only slightly tainted by the weaker last episodes of the season.

Always felt the weapons felt a bit off in New Doom and there are some intresting thoughts here, but I strongly disagree with all of the suggestions.

So swtor 2.0 but with sword and sorcery. Bioware have been doing this exact same thing with swtor for years now. It is still labeled as an mmorpg, but It has become somthing of a hybrid over the years with mostly singleplayer focus with “monthly” updates.

I love your version of the games endings :)