Crispin Waugh

A great thing for artists to do would be to not play this show, and instead do something that won’t benefit a monster. I would applaud that.

I’ve been boycotting this event forever because I would lose my shit on the first white girl in a bindi/feather headdress/mehndi, but I’ll add this to my list of reasons.

extremely easy for me to boycott this event

Does it count as “starting a clothing line” if you just photoshop some text you didn’t even bother to kern onto cafepress images of blank clothes you didn’t make?

But does it come with a key fob that declares “I have POC friends” ...?

You don’t want Comey to go. Believe me.

Oh shit, Jeb released his oppo? #thetruenewclassic

Jeb Bush - Master of the Long Game

If this ends with someone telling Comey that he had been ‘extremely careless’ about releasing that October letter, I would enjoy that. It wouldn’t help anything, but I would enjoy it.

I mean I am also furious he was sexting underage girls, but yeah, he can go straight to hell.

Hmmm. And you don’t think any of the things you mentioned would occur with Clinton as president.

If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

I feel like we can eventually undo any over conservative ideologies that may get implemented but we’ll never be able to reconstruct our atomized remains after a hydrogen bomb is dropped directly on to our collective faces.

The sad reality is that if Trump is impeached, we’ll be left with a much more effective far-right ideologue as President who can unify and pass a far-right conservative agenda. The Presidential line of succession is a who’s who of tea party ideals.

This was part of a conversation I had the other day with my husband when watching some late night show that involved man hugs or some other action often labeled “feminine”. I contended that men who men who do these things, in many women’s eyes, seem really manly. Because they’re so comfortable with their masculinity

even if those balls are in another man’s pocket?

Here’s the thing. If you are a male-identifying person and the thought of being around a bunch of women in vagina hats freaks you out, how about doing for women what we’ve been doing for you all along? Pack us lunches for the march. Watch our kids while we march. Make sure dinner is ready when we get home. Maybe

Omg. Ew. What.

I think the march is for women.