Crispin Waugh

As someone with a degree in history and an interest in the war I actually want an english copy of the annotated work for my bookshelf. We have copies of the book at my library but I was never able to get into it because well, old adolph was a crap writer. He’s not as hard to follow as Charles Fort, but his dribbling

Good for you? I know a lot of people who are interested in genocide studies and “What did Hitler write” and “Why did it have the effect it did” are pertinent questions for them.

That’s like saying “I’m generally pro-free speech, but I am okay with banning this really offensive speech.” Free speech is to protect the speech you hate just as much as the speech you love. If we find reasons to ban one book, we’ll find them to ban all the others. (However, I would be okay selling books with

This is wrong, Anne Frankly, we’re being offensive.

I’m not either, but I’m going to go ahead and guess that you are also not a history buff fascinated by World War II. I’d be shocked if more than 1% of these purchases are ideological. Most interest in Mein Kampf in Germany is likely academic. I posted elsewhere, but I knew a guy who did his PhD in history in Germany

German women just Goebbeled that book up.

I think we both posted this necessary context simultaneously. I knew a guy who studied World War II history in Germany at the graduate level like ten years ago, and he was only allowed to use Mein Kampf as an in-library reference item, and only then when he had a signed permission note from his professor, signed off

As an undergraduate majoring in Political Science, (I graduated in 1976), this was required reading at one point. Read in the context of the psychopath that wrote it and the world events that followed it was quite useful. Part of a great lesson as to what happens when people who believe their own bullshit get a lot of

Actually, congrats to the historians and academics who annotated the book, provided critical analysis and context for this version. That is a lot of work, and I, for one, am not surprised people want to read a version with that level of critical annotation. I do think this is related to the rise of the far right in

Lots of museums look for artifacts like this, so don’t discredit that (although, it is a scary thought that “normies” are out there fishing for this stuff).

During a trip to El Paso, Texas I discovered their Holocaust museum and learned that Jews who fled to the area kept lots of Nazi memorabilia to remember the era,

More than because of the rise of the Alt-Right, it’s worth considering the possibility that the sudden surge in interest in Mein Kampf in Germany might have something to do with the fact that when the book went into the public domain last year, it marked the first time it was legally available in Germany for 71 years.

Mein Kampf had not been available in Germany since 1945. This edition is 2000 pages because it could only be sold fully annotated. But it’s been in the US for 90 years in its original, unexplained form - which is still illegal in Germany.

The Lt. Gov is basically the head of the State Senate. What’s great is that the head of the Texas House is much less of a crazy person who has basically said, “yeah, we’re not really interested in pursuing this.”

The power of the Texas Lieutenant Governor is one of the many quirks you find in Southern state legislative & executive branch structures that is an artifact of the states of the South looking to find ways to curb the power of “carpet baggers” during Reconstruction.

Oh, so it’s also a massive equal protection violation, then!

Down here the Lieutenant Governor has more powers than the Governor, in some instances.

Dan Patrick is a fucking worm, a bigot whose prime goal in life seems to be to take Texas back to the 1930s.

Economic boycotts are great, but let’s not lose focus on these moral and legal arguments against these laws.

I don’t think anyone thinks these bills should NOT be fought on legal grounds and because discrimination is wrong. It’s just that the people proposing them literally do not think that trans people deserve human rights, so their attention has to be gotten some other way.

Apparently he didn’t pay attention to what happened to NC when they tried this shit. Republicans love to dry hump capitalism so much, well, enjoy what happens when the free market tells you to fuck off just like they did to McCrory.