Cris E

Retrace Seagal's entire career, from movie superstar to ship's cook! Gain weight! Lose hair! Sell out!

My buddy's old girlfriend used to talk loudly and proud about being a vegetarian. No Meat, except for fish, and chicken, and pork. OK, she didn't eat beef. But she preached about how we were killing ourselves by not being vegetarians, and did it way past a point where we could continue laughing at her. A vile person

Also, this was pre-internet and so most people still got their images of Important People from a few dozen mass media outlets rather than thousands of narrow sources. Recall that today's intensity of coverage, the pressure to be first and to stand out from the herd makes for less sympathetic coverage. His experience

You sound like Trump's message has finally hit home. (And as usual, it ricocheted badly and went wide of the mark.)

I'm going with the one that angers my validation. I'm not quite sure what that means yet, but I've still got a week.

Except by going on Sunday you fall into the same voter suppression hole you've tossed the Republicans in. It's not good company to keep.

"And"? How often do you vote each election day?

Great Job, Internet Historians!

I was already reaching for the Reply button when I noticed your opinion on Murray's work. The first is factually wrong, the second I'll allow you as under the influence of home field effects. But as someone not wearing the Chicago-colored lenses, I'll just say that it really was not good.

It's way older than that. It originally referred to any stupid piece of required hardware you had to attach to your workstation. For example expensive software like CAD or video editing used to look for a hardware item on a port before it would boot. After a while just about anything you plugged in that wasn't a

Then just go over to Radcliffe's as Frodo. That's what we're all doing.

People used to get me and my brother confused, but then he lost his hair and put on weight. Thanks little bro!

..said both of them.

Yes, but without the clumsy typo. It's like that old folk art where the crappy skills make it more charming.

And that state is both Utah and Nevada.

That is golfer Norman Schwartkopf with his caddy, Bill Parcells, and JD Salinger getting a ball out of his bag. Nothing to see here.

They didn't stand a chance against the team from Mt Olympus Parks and Rec. Those guys had *game*.

That makes sense, I agree with *that*. We just completely missed one another. Have a great Thursday.

You said that the word "abhorrent" precludes discussion, but my point is abhorrent IS the discussion. The fact that a major party candidate is that far off the charts calls me to vote. If there were substantive issues at stake I would take a deeper look, but this sad situation is compounded by Trump's utter lack of

Of course we do, everyone does. Don't you watch CSPAN or TMZ? How did you think he came to be called Chalupa? The subtexts of "On The Road" and "Hey Jude" could not be clearer.