Cris E

You know she might and then just lie to him. "Of course I voted for you dear. I know what you're capable of."

Oooh, I'd vote for her!

This happens a lot. A crazy huge sense of entitlement obscures a lot of gritty details most people have to worry about, and the money and fame that fosters the sense shields you from many of life's repercussions.

And honestly who can expect a 34yo to know what's right or wrong?

Hey, when you're going good you just keep it going, you just ride the wave. No sense stopping until it's played out, you know?

Reggie Bush faces the end of his football career and chooses politics as his next challenge. What a great American!

And that's why you're having this intestinal trouble. I'm just saying a little restraint goes a long way.

The right is going to START looking into the Clintons? Where have you been for the past ten, twenty, thirty years? Don't get me wrong, they are the political Kardashians when it comes to living in the limelight, but claiming there's another gear after this much muckraking is a bit silly.

We know Wormtounge exists because we have all these lovely leaks: 1995 tax doc, Billy B footage, and any other rumored detritus that may still bob to the surface. I guess the fun part will be deciding who gets credit if this campaign does eventually collapse in flames on Nov 8. I read one thing that proposed it was

But, but they're NERDS. It's totally new. I just don't understand how you don't see how new it is.

This will work in their favor: it was easier to be funnier back before the color line was broken. Wait, that was baseball.

How is this possible? Did they even have SPOILER tags in 1947?

Poor camel.

But that's Trump 2016. We want 1947, when Trump's Grandfather hit on his mom.

Perhaps really poorly informed on the fundamentals of nutrition and trying to save on calories?

I saw pot pie and got excited for a moment. Carry on.

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Dude, you're killing me. I was in Ground Floor round with my investor and you've just scorched my NDA. How the hell am I getting this to market now? We may as well just take it to fricking Kickstarter.

The problem isn't necessarily the individuals so much as the culture that exists around them. And that culture kind of has to exist, similar to what fire fighters and military and air traffic controllers and all sorts of other groups have developed to support folks working in stressful, unusual jobs. The hours are

Not unless the Solar Car team built it, at which point it would become the best freaking university police vehicle on earth.