Cris E

I already have my shirt. (I didn't pay for it though.)

But it's OK now, you can come down out of the tree.

Most of them, or the few that someone actually buys? Because most make nothing.

How pissed would you be if you thought you were buying one ebook and instead you were sent to Mars and charged $200k? Wrath!

Nothing. Well, nothing and Supper Club.

I'm waiting for that commercial to show up on TV.

Because then there'd be this weird expectation to pay for and eat fried okra. Blech.

They tried eating ground cinnamon but the results were not good.

Especially outstate where they also sell bait.

"Lived in" like bathing or like an entire house made of pasta? That doesn't sound practical.

If you want to keep outsiders out just keep pushing the "Of course Salads are number 1!" line. No one wants to hang out with those people.

I don't consider LC or PH to be food in any meaningful sense of the word, so I'd eat a lot of 1 or 2 before I allowed myself to drop below that line.

Oh it's disgusting alright, but so, sooo tasty.

I am comfortable with the idea that I would also be a contemptible money-grubbing monster doing self-deprecating commercials if anyone was willing to pay me that kind of money. Anyone.

Little known fact: Lance Armstrong has been delivering pizza for Papa John's since his endorsements dried up.

They don't have the internets in OK yet so you're going to have to wait for some business traveler to stumble across this.

I see what happened here: this data was from before the days with taco trucks on every corner. Now we don't need delivery so you saw pizza and chinese. #ThanksObama!

Agreed, and because of that (other than a few monster classics that can stand on their own) I think the spectacle of a Meatloaf concert would be better than just the music.

Mmmm, cold meatloaf sandwiches in the summer. Mmm…

You never used to complain about it until they added the damn Supper Club.