Cris E

And since that's where we are, WATCH OUT!

Actually in the Wetterling case there were two creepy pedo neighbors that had been under suspicion and it was one of them. The other guy might sue now that it's solved, but honestly even he described himself as a likely suspect at the time.

That's like a mega-spoiler: you've ruined half the films up there.

I'm not surprised you don't recognize it. It's the Ted Turner copy of Breakfast At Tiffany's.

To be fair, I can't watch movies from the Walmart clearance bin while I'm doing dishes. God knows I've tried, but it makes a surprisingly large mess.

Or you could roll around in it and sell the smell.

With a face like that you know he lives with the constant threat of poisoning.

Prairie Hole Companion

Larry, if two large guys wearing AMAZON DELIVERY uniforms appear at your door in the next hour be sure to let them in. They have a message for you. (I'll give you terrible…)

He has a family in the ear? They must be tiny. That surprises me because they looked totally normal sized on TV.

Oregano? What's that?

We did #20 last spring by taking one of the kids to a volleyball tournament in Des Moines. In retrospect that doesn't look like a great choice, but at least it saved us the cost of a private detective.

Your dad is a real person who may or may not be uncomfortable in a dumb shirt. But dad bod is a slightly past-its-prime meme that says this formerly hip guy will take a shot at your shirt to be a good sport and then look sort of dumb but lovable. So in conclusion, either way it sort of shows that 36% of Americans use

As in "Please go to hell"?

The same people who can't get out of real jury duty are usually free during the day to take $12/hr from cardboard characters named Chunk and Cable. That's the most plausible thing I read in the entire article.

Well that's disappointing, it's what they were trying for. All the kids love the 90s these days. Why just last week AV Club did a piece or two…

[relevant angry Futurama quote]

Just so long as someone keeps him from making some sort of The Razor's Edge mistake.

Because when I compare pizza places, I start and finish with height.
