Cris E

Disagree. Fallon has as much weight as he chooses. It costs him nothing to lose offended office seekers as guests, and advertisers will pay him exactly as much or as little as his ratings are worth. Choose your identity, like Meyers or Letterman (or Fallon, I suppose.)

It could be like that Ocean's Eleven thing where they keep adding characters with each sequel. For Mission: Impossible 7 they could add Will Smith or someone.

Oh like anyone would know. This is a cut below James Bond or Bewitched, so they can pretty much carry on however they want.

Talk about impossible, that would never work! More like Mission Implausible. Get it? GET IT?

Wasn't it only 40 years ago people were giving him a hard time about trying to be a high school kid? I think he should take over for Harrison Ford as a Bill Clinton-like character in Air Force One Two: First Man.

Saves on writing costs. Just grab some random action script, replace some names and punch up the effects budget: BAM!

Wait, how did you do that?

Biggest surprise of this whole thing? Trump is 6'2". He's so stout it makes him looks like a vaguely normal 5'10" older guy, but 260+ is a very large number. That's a heavy guy regardless of height.

Was that butterfly the *real* candidate the Republicans were supposed to offer in this election? Because I bet they wish that guy would have been around last summer.

Most people are not as uptight and analytical as she is and are more casual about looking past the flaws or inconsistencies in their personalities to underlying questions or issues. Kerry, Gore, Dole and even Romney were similarly uptight enough to regularly respond to everything on a very literal, correct and factual

He totally looks like Dr Seth Rogan in that pic. And I can imagine a rather fun movie starring a Dr Rogan character that could have a blast with this sort of thing.

French?!?Talk about weakness… I'm finding someone who can stand up to weak Euro cuffs, someone with massive hands that dominate entire sleeves, scare shirts. I need Putin!

Everyone knows: cow anus, sodium and AWESOME! What's not to love?

The AV Club

What? I'm sorry, I thought we were sharing a moment.

Read what you wrote: revenues skyrocketed. How can they be wrong? HOW CAN THEY BE WRONG?!?

Let's be fair to the true pioneers: Phone companies first, cable companies now.

I hate that. Like when they write All You Can Eat on the sign but have All YOU Should Eat Fatty on the menu. Unlimited should include 911 calls too. Utterly unfair, man.

Maybe her birthday is Dec 25?

I initially misread that as bullets, which kids also need.