Cris E

By then I expect the plastic surgery to improve quite a bit, so the desiccated remains of famous people won't look quite so horrifying.

it's grey, so you rarely go back.

At this point everyone has had a sitcom so it should be one of the questions.

They watch DWTS to keep up on current affairs.

Well it IS the internet…


It depends. What do you think impunity means?

Good for you. Way to be strong.

Hatfieagles vs Mcoyspreys?

…or that 4chan is frequently used for stupid things.

Or at least repetitive, but I am never going back to this site.

The AV Club

Eight more years!

The big change that outraged me was when they went from greasy paper and $1 value menu status to boxed and regular menu pricing. The sandwich didn't get better, there were just more failing vegetarians and health nuts with a poor grasp of nutritional concepts.

No chewing!


That's interesting. Can you get the Sasquatch to send in about 2500 words for next week on other things worth eating?

Authorities believe alcohol was involved.

Here, you dropped your onion.

The title said AND but all these places are one or the other. I still believe, though. Guy will find one if it's out there.