Cris E

It made football less football-y.

And Republican Party leaders allowed Trump to fill media space so they didn't have to come to grips with harder discussions about policy, demographics and how they were planning on implementing anything from the 2012 election autopsy. They figured he'd distract the press until he inevitably blew up and then the

That's why she gets a career in hell. Don't you know how this works? I bet you end up reading a ton of Dante when you finally arrive.

Fries with taco meat and toppings, a little salsa, and you're pretty much home.

Concussions will do that to you.

Put that long fireplace vid on the other monitor and it'll be just like Bad One Man Theater with Leonard Pinth-Garnell.

Upvoted for Goggles.

It was dumber to die on March 30. What was he expecting?

And finally a gig on 60 Minutes, replacing Morley Safer.

In blackface, because misunderstood racial sensitivity.

This is the break they've been waiting for: classical is moving back to the Hip side!

Itching AND burning.

Does the tyrant have a GoFundMe page?

Bring three cases of Sam Adams and an Xbox, post NFL scores on a whiteboard and you'll be good to go.

Well, there's sunburn, getting lots of sand in your stuff and spending way too much money.

We Are Iconoclasts!!!

What happens at BM stays at BM (hopes everyone.)

Trump is totally about family values. He had most of his families on stage at the convention, and he hasn't gotten a divorce in *years*.

I think the line is somewhere between speech and discussion. If a person wants to get up and say terrible things but then stays around to defend those words, to listen and respond and try to convince others why his position has merit then bring it on. But those folks who just blast out the awful with no listening or

Unless those black people, women, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asians, immigrants and liberals are really putting in the effort to become white males with proper opinions.