
Still looks like shit

This website

Preorder locally from your Local Comic or Toy Shop. Fuck Bezos and the Waltons.

Preorder locally from your Local Comic or Toy Shop. Fuck Bezos and the Waltons.

I think it had more to do with the fact that she’s out here singing and dancing about black folk at risk and she put away hundreds as a prosecutor. No one in the left, especially not people of color, bought her bullshit. 

I have depression and have had suicidal ideations in the past and if this dude offed himself, I would be completely ok with it because he’s a waste of oxygen.

I think I’d like Pete Davidson more if he killed himself a few years back.

When is Kap going to give back his Nike money or do yall just give no fucks about Hong Kong?

More importantly, any white person that gets said pass should politely decline and go back to living their life unmolested by the man and able to enjoy their mayo sandwiches with no pepper.

This meme deserves to fucking die right alongside Epstein.

Jesus christ this game is insists upon itself. All you wankers love this fucking circle jerk.

You’re right - free speech is not a right on a company’s platform. People, however, have the right to tell that company to go fuck off and suck their Glorious Leader’s dick and not buy a single product from them ever again. 

Better believe them to be more moral than to use their actions to justify our own.

Honestly, I think the world would be better off without white men daily.

shut up tomatoface

Dax Shepard better call his divorce lawyer.

The person who tipped her, and the person that likely tipped that person. Martha isn’t a criminal genius, just an opportunist. 

Honestly, this burner is probably TomatoFace pretending to be a POC so that he can bait some less intelligent members or this commentariat into saying some racist shit.

Bet you would want a white peckerwood to snitch if it meant less cops killing minorities, but ya know... its a one way street with you.

I wonder if the families with dead kids thanks to scumbags who didn’t get snitched on agree with you. I’m all for less police in our communities, but you don’t substitute a peckerwood cop with your local gangbanger/drug dealer. Both are fucked.

Outrage Olympics gold medals go out to black twitter.