
The price for the smaller size will be in sound. The Move sounds very good for a portable speaker - only a notch below the 5. We use it in our backyard all the time and it fills the entire area with better sound than any other bluetooth speaker-pill we’ve tried

I had one as a rental a few years back. Design wise much better than typical anonymous rentals like the Focus were. You almost forgot it was a cheap car. But then you were reminded of it as soon as you started to move - the drivetrain was a noisy, shaky mess that you had to gun to get moving.

I guess you only get one “vagina” that can be spoken in a PG-13 (Semmi states it). For whatever reason they went with “the royal private parts are clean” or whatever when ‘vagina’ would’ve worked better.

It was absurd, but I liked it because of that. Pure silliness. They could’ve played the McDonald’s is still after him running joke better though. McDowell looks like he’s cringing through the lines

Perfect comedic timing. The dark cone on top is an (empty) spacecraft. Imagine if it had someone in it and this happened. Yikes!

Keep in mind these rockets are exploding when landing - something NASA rockets never attempted. And NASA rockets did explode with this frequency when they were starting out. And they continued to occasionally explode afterward...

TBH I thought the explosion could be intentional. Open a valve or trigger the range safety charges. It was leaning and leaking, clearly a hazard where a controlled detonation could make sense.  Plus hey, don’t break the chain

Many people don’t realize that “bankruptcy” doesn’t necessarily mean “shut down”. That does happen, especially to small businesses that have no path to profit, but commercial bankruptcies happen all the time, and are even sometimes encouraged by debtors as a way to reorganize unsustainable debt under the guidance of a

Iceland has a small enough population that they have a genealogy registry of sorts, “the Book of Icelanders”, that people are encouraged to check when they start dating someone.

One of my wife’s uncles is married to his cousin. And he’s the scientist-professor of the family.

Initial news reports might be confusing the farm crew/trafficking angle given that many of the victims were also undocumented

I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed that I get that reference

Still up for debate is “you snooze you lose”

Back in college circa 2000 I remember the racist frats held these racist parties and everyone knew it was a racist frat holding a racist party and you should generally not attend unless you want to be known to associate with racists. It wasn’t a new progressive thought at the time then either...

Weird, I like the look of the Genesis. That green paint is nice.

Waze does do that. I still use Waze as it used to route around traffic jams better and, if you still get caught in one, has a progress bar that tells you how long until you’re out of it. Not sure if Google Maps has improved there as well.

What is that reflected in his sunglasses?

Came here to say this. The o-ring was just a part. It was a bad design flaw to blame - the joint was faulty in several ways. They had also seen blow-by (gases leaking) on previous launches and didn’t address it. O-ring erosion had been seen since the earliest shuttle launches too because the design allowed the parts

I can’t tell if this car is coming or going

I loved Night Court as a kid. I don’t think I understood most of the jokes but at least Bull was funny