
I love your philosophy. PLEASE keep us updated on your EF Hatch project!

For all intensive purposes

Not that I'm in the market for a new car right now, but the Fiesta ST having four doors is its largest turn off for me. I can't really explain it, either. I just find two door hatches to be much more aesthetically pleasing.

I'm glad to see him back as well. I don't get why people were so up in arms over his posts.

I got off Facebook back in 2007. Don't miss it one bit.

You can drive a manual? You just keep getting better and better!

Agreed. Coors is fucking tasty. The generic, blind hatred of all domestic macros is tiring.

Rooo! You came back! I thought you had forgotten all about me.

Really? I'm surprised that there would be so many fakes on Match, which is purely a pay site as opposed to OKC which is free.

While I will agree that the future conditional does imply a certain subtext, it doesn't necessarily preclude that tall, appreciative gentleman from being myself!

I like your approach, Roo. Keep your head up out there- you'll find that tall gentleman who appreciates both your inner and outer beauty. Knock 'em dead! :-)

If a solicitor comes on my property I immediately tell them to leave and that I'm not interested. If they persist I threaten with calling law enforcement and I remind them that my state of residence is a castle law state. They usually get the picture.

As a dude who is 6'4", I would never consider a girl who is 5'7" too tall nor would I could consider guys 5'9" or 5'10" to be "tall". These guys need to step up their game!

I actually like the Rancho! But that's coming from somebody in the US who will (likely) never get to see one in person, let alone take one out for a drive.

For some odd reason I really enjoy your bulleted lists.

I thought this was common knowledge but based on replies to your post I guess not. Thanks for spreading the word!

You're putting dielectric grease on the DIC's first, right? Also, I'd only trust Saab or Proparts DIC's. And change your plugs every 10-15k, properly gapped, of course.

I am sorry I have had to write you such a long letter, but I did not have time to write you a short one.

+1. Frugal engineer who drives a '99 9-3 SE

Came here for this. Did not leave disappointed.