
Thanks for including every facile, illogical, anti-intellectual argument against critics into one post so I can refute them en masse!

Thanks! (now to determine which volume of New Avengers you mean!!)

That it was going to be a fun, colourful romp. Instead of a disjointed monotone slog.

What comic is this from? It looks like the original Alias series, but it’s got the new Captain Marvel costume. I want to check it out.

What? She’s clearly reading Volume 2 of the DeConnick run, with the David Lopez art. Geeez. Get your facts straight!

Given how much of a lie the Suicide Squad trailer turned out to be...

I thought Leto could have been a good Joker if he’d been given some decent material. In Suicide Squad, all he does is act like any old generic gangster. He swaggers around shooting people and spouting lame tough-guy dialogue in a forced weird voice. He’s not particularly weird or crazy in any way. The only thing

Well, now I know what I’m getting my mum for Christmas

DING DING DING! We have a winner! Congratulations sir/madam, you are the first today to chime in with the generic “YA books are crap, why don’t people read real literature comment”. You must be so proud!

Frankly, I’d prefer it to be set in the reboot continuity. I love the original universe to bits, but by the time Enterprise ended and Nemesis came around, it felt played out. The same enemies kept returning, like the Borg, plus technology had advanced to insane, story-breaking levels, with sentient holograms and

Oh for crying out loud! It’s like these people have never read a comic before. Or even experienced serialised storytelling.

I like Thor carrying fuzzy Cap into battle

Cassandra Cain has been reintroduced, but from scratch. She’s basically the same character, but back at square #1 before she became Batgirl.

Kate Kane, aka Batwoman, is Jewish. Like, on panel celebrating hanukkah and everything.

Didn’t know that! That’s cool.

“a hero free of that ironic bent that simply wanted to do the right thing.”

As a fan of the books, I’m inclined to agree with him.

This is just superhero movies falling victim to the same virus that’s infected other genres. Like, fanboys still dismiss upcoming action or horror films because they aren’t rated R - as if gore or nudity is what makes a good film.

I really dislike that Garth Ennis story. We get it Garth, you hate costumed superheroes! That whole sequence is designed to humiliate Daredevil, and by proxy the readers who prefer his kind of heroism.

Oh, you mean she’s PLAYING Mary Poppins in a movie. I get it now.