
Llamas on the lam?

I know, I know.


I have mad respect for people who learn English as a second language. For starters, it’s two languages (Anglo Saxon and Norman French) in one, and it’s utterly ridiculous. As James Nicoll said, “The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We


Back when Alta Vista was something people used, I liked to translate stuff from English to another language (Mandarin and Japanese yielded the most ridic results) and back to English again. One thing I learned is that if you did that with Buffy The Vampire Slayer fic with German as the middle language, vampire ended

You could populate a small hamlet with just the victims alone. If you include their families, it would be a village.

This. Was. Beautiful.


A few years ago, our president had to go on TV to say that rape is rape, and it is bad because of the shit spewed by the likes of Akin. I’m glad he said it, but the fact that it needed to be said is depressing as fuck.

My fave thing is to quote Anglo Saxon poetry to them. You said people should speak English, I’m just kickin it old school.

People need to think of victims not in terms of “fuckability” but of vulnerability. While the 1 in 5-6 risk is an average for women, when you break down into various categories and demographics, you’ll see that the more marginalized a woman is, the higher her chance of being raped. Black women have a higher risk than

Maybe you needed to know Arabic first. And for them to insult your mother.

Saw it, it was fun. My fave Beowulf variation will always be The 13th Warrior, but this was a good one.

Did you use your fae powers to turn him into a cockroach?

One of the biggest reasons why I hope we can totally wean ourself from petroleum in cars is so there’s more for petroleum jelly. Because in the dead of winter, that shizz works.

Also McKinley stole all the vowels.

And not selling your soul. Seriously, my mom is older than Brewer, smoked and never used sunscreen (granted, in the PA sun, but still) and she looks at least 25 years younger. Mom’s secret? Not being evil. Sometimes outer ugly reflects inner ugly.

Yeah. I guess like, very indirectly it could help to stop rape, because bullshit attitudes about sex workers are part of rape culture, and combatting rape culture will ultimitately end rape, but the way the author worded it was awkward.

I think it would help in that sex workers could report sexual assault without fear of getting arrested. Granted, it still would be a hell of a hard job getting justice, but it would be a start. Also, it would be harder for cops to extort sex from sex workers once the fear of arrest is taken off the table.