
Right, so he’d only be able to pretend to move things with his mind, just like the article says.

I once made a non sequitur comment too!

Thanks for attempting to connect your completely unrelated political thoughts to this article.

I know what you mean, batarangs and bat-shaped throwing knives are not the same thing, but batarang is the word everyone knows.

Are you really comparing comments that were in response to a woman saying something hateful about another woman to comments who were directed at a black woman simply for being black? I know you are desperate for a reason to hop up on your soap box but this is quite the stretch. Also are you comparing something like

Doctor Who is a time traveler. He wouldn’t have to ‘degenerate’ in order for there to be more episodes with a previous Doctor. They could set the new episodes within the already established time-line of that Doctor. They’d just need to be mindful of not completely contradicting anything, though they could use the

I was gonna write “inb4 all the ignorant and racist bullshit” but there’s already a “fuck off” comment, so I guess I’m too late.

When I hear people like you spout this stuff, much like ‘global warming is a hoax’ or ‘the war of Northern Aggression’ I know in my heart of hearts (and so do you) that you don’t really believe it, it’s just in your current interest to perpetuate the lie.

You know what I would do if I were a regular visitor to a site where they regularly do something that gets on my nerves?

You know, I feel the need to point out that Killing Joke’s treatment of Barbara Gordon, while definitely flawed, still serves a very important role in the larger picture of Barbara Gordon’s history at large. As much flack as it (rightfully) gets for treating her as a mere object, it deserves some level of remembrance

Maybe that opinion would be less “unpopular” is you backed it up with an explanation or an argument, instead of just dropping a troll-ish statement that you obviously know wont go over well.

For starters, don’t vote for people who block reforms and deny the science.

In my mind she is a superhero and not a Mary Sue. To me a Mary Sue is ridiculously and inexplicably competant. I see Alice as superhuman.

Now now, it doesn’t apply to any competent character ever, only competent women.

On a side note I am a little tired of everyone throwing around Mary Sue as a term for any competant character ever...

Seriously, what the fuck was this thing supposed to be, anyway?

A lit match thrown on the gasoline soaked tinder that is police violence, tossed by the some the most daring and artistic exploitation filmmakers of this era? Oh HELL yes.

Seems like it would , be making light of a serious issue {as in this is a fantasy}

Yes. Yes, it is. The best horror films come from topical subjects.

I'd say current cultural relevance makes this a particularly good time, yeah.