
Came for tired Emma Stone jokes, did not leave dissatisfied.

Ha ha was Emma Stone busy! LOLOLOLOLO!!!!
I sure hope I’m not the first one to make that joke!

I don’t really need any more reasons to continue not reading anything Buzzfeed writes. 

Man, when I think of women “Consciously making the effort not to get raped,” I think of them taking self-defense courses, and carrying a personal weapon, and walking in pairs to their homes, not dressing in a dowdy manner and clucking their tongues at people who like having sex. Blossom sure grew up to be a judgmental

I wasn’t surprised about Mayim Bialik. She has ALWAYS perpetuated the thought that anyone who makes an effort to look good are not worth anyone’s time. She has some dangerous views on parenting and has a anti-vaxx stand. She basically likes to hold herself to a higher standard because she has apparently ‘consciously’

She’s perpetuating a lie that’s a big part of the reason men feel free to rape, assault and harass.

So, no, she’s hurting lots of people.

I mean I wouldn’t hate on her, but she is wrong in this case. And people have the right to be outraged. It doesn’t matter if she’s 90. Being willfully ignorant about sexual assault isn’t a thing that should be excused.

well you probably shouldn’t throw rocks at her house.

I personally don’t buy into the idea of method acting. Now that could be because I don’t work in that field, but like you said plenty of other actors give tremendous performances without method acting. So what’s so special about it? Sometimes I see actors (Jared Leto comes to mind) use method acting as an excuse for

Far be it from me to question the results when it comes to someone like Daniel Day Lewis, but it seems like for every method acting savant like him, there’s a Jared Leto out there torturing his cast mates for a mediocre performance in a mediocre film. I really have to question whether all that self torture is

I remember the days when you would be put on hold, and on their end the agent would prop the phone up and a live string quartet would begin to play. Very pleasant. You could request classical, avant-garde or barbershop. Truly a more civilized time.

What a fucking asshole.

Can’t say I disagree with Mr. Cuomo there. The excitement with the royals always seemed to me to be lining up for the world’s dumbest parade.

Yeah, it’s all pretty weird.  It’s just standard celebrity gossip that gets treated like actual news for some reason.

He wasn’t an a-hole in “Trophy Wife.” More befuddled by the goings on around him. RIP, poorly named and scheduled “Trophy Wife.”

agree with all, well said, and yes, yes and yes!

How can she be the least favorite when Kate and Kevin are the absolute worst?

Totally agreed. Rebecca is actually such a great character and Mandy Moore is doing such a bang up job playing her! Like you said, she’s human. She isn’t portrayed as perfect nor do her kids see her as a perfect parent as they see Jack. I would absolutely love to see a Rebecca centric episode, one after Jack’s death

I think the point of seeing her parents in the parking lot was to see the strength of their relationship and that the guy also deserves to be the one getting held. A partnership is exactly that.

Oh please. Nobody’s gonna be surprised by the Easter Bunny. It’s been an open secret in the holiday mascot industry for decades.