
Here’s a pretty compelling argument that Luke Skywalker didn’t blow up the Death Star.

This damn PC culture and its whole “killing innocent people is bad” is infecting everything.

I know he did a lot of stuff that isn’t “PC” today, like goading people to murder— but let’s remember, that was a very different time.

For once, a death to be happy about. Good fucking riddance.

I find it fascinating that Lena Dunham, the AV Club commenters’ human punching bag, suddenly becomes someone to be protected at all costs when it’s a woman of color calling her out.

This seems appropriate.

‘claiming that he’s leaving because of the “politicized atmosphere” that now exists on the show’s set’

Ugh. False rape accusations exist, of course, but almost every rapist is someone’s friend, and most people are inclined to believe the word of friends who are rapists over the word of their victims.

Every time I bring it up I get a billion people telling me she’s not but I’ll say it again: Lena Dunham is an abuser so it’s really no surprise that she’s defending abuse. I don’t know why people insist she’s some “feminist icon.” Literally pick anyone else.

“Believe women, unless they’re accusing one of my friends.” —Lena Dunham, basically

Tom Petty is dead but this asshole is allowed to live?

Not a trace of doubt in your mind?

Now I’M a believer.

It took me a minute to figure out what you were saying. I thought you were going a bit deeper there at first, a commentary on how Shrek has transcended from popularity to ironic staple of iconic animation (millenials love Shrek!) to the point it has become unironically revered and all lower animated films must pay

So is Shrek now Jesus or something?

It’s so weird, he’s one of those guys whose hair can make him a completely different person. With longer hair he’s kind of dorky but cute. With a buzzcut he looks like a goddamn serial killer.

He’s certainly come a long way from the time he called Ashley a slut for making out with Sean when she was high on ecstasy.

Lil Peep is survived by his father, Jared Leto’s Joker.

It’s pretty obvious that he was drunk and doesn’t remember it, and also that he was playing a character that he now deeply regrets. Also, he’s gay now.

They could rebrand it as Sansparent