
The rules also forbid any questions about the performers wife leaving them, their dog running away or their truck breaking down.

The Leftovers absolutely nailed spotlight episodes. I watched the show for the first time recently and I found the first couple of episodes shaky. But “Three Boats and a Helicopter” absolutely sold me on the series. Thankfully shortly after that episode, we got the Carrie Coon solo episode and after that I knew there

Trump can suck a butt. This unnamed ex-Twitter employee is a hero. He’s America’s version of that anonymous guy who stood in front of the tanks in Tiananmen Square.

Alternately: Fuck Trump. I hope he fucking dies or gets killed before Christmas.

This is a pretty clear-eyed, devastating account.

<blockquote>The man chose to go unnamed, explaining that he “worked really had to have a nice life and feel safe,”</blockquote> 

When I hear about left vs. right on pizza, I think of none pizza with left beef:

The fuck.

Let’s also talk about The Middle.

I think it’s a pity that they don’t review The Middle here anymore. It’s on it’s ninth (and final) season too, and yet still manages to be quite funny.

“Manipulative characters ruin a Modern Family” is a headline akin to “Game of Thrones character uses a sword”.

Seriously, why are Mitch and Cam still married? They seem to actively despise each other and they’re increasingly cruel to Lily, too. Phil and Claire have moments of sweetness but too often in the later seasons he is just too dumb and she is just too controlling. It’s an insult to Gloria as a character (and to her

Don’t ever rule out the possibility of a fully CGI Paul Walker showing up in F&F23; the one where they steal a DeLorean and take it back to the year 2000 to prevent Dom from doing that wheelie.

Too Sad Too Serious

You could have just titled this “Tyrese Gibson quits Fast and Furious franchise”

Looks like he’ll be appearing in as many future F&F movies as Paul Walker

Coming from the guy who also recently “joked” about what a bummer it was that his fans were looking forward to more material from him, I’m not so sure these are really jokes. I’m starting to think he might really have his head so far up his ass that he thinks these are real problems.

Never, in the history of spoken language, has anyone uttered a less sexy phrase than “soft-boiled clitoris.”

Basically, the floodgates opened, and a bunch of (mainly) women realized that there’s a window now where they can finally talk about stuff that happened to them freely without it coming back at them, in all likelihood, because there are even more accusers than accused. If everybody who came forward now got retaliated

If only there was a convenient metaphor for how all this is collapsing.