
Yeah, trotting out a conspiracy theory that you’re being “silenced” every time you get in trouble is kind of ridiculous. She also wasn’t being “silenced” by Twitter, she doxxed someone by tweeting a personal phone number.

“Are they trying to silence me?”

It’s well-known that literally nobody has been kidnapped since the advent of cellphones.

If you want a similar costume for tomorrow, GOOP is selling those boxes for $399 a piece.

Virtually any woman who has gone through puberty will tell you you’re full of shit. Older perverted men creeping on the underage is not a gay thing - it’s abusive behavior that spans all orientations.

“LGBT persons calling him out of this are being a bit disingenuous. ”


The problem isn’t that his statement alludes to the fact that he’s gay. The problem is that his coming out is the whole second paragraph and steals focus from his actions and the victim. It also feels like he’s trying to spin this as a positive moment in his life. “Hey guy! I’m finally coming out! Isn’t this great?”

Anyone who still supports Trump at this point...they’re just blind, stupid, or evil (or a combination of some kind), plain and simple.

I don’t know guys, he’s got me convinced.

It doesn’t even read as “outrage” so much as “bemused irritation”.

Tell us, what things are and are not allowed for people to be upset over? Is there a list? Did this minor outrage that was fixed quickly really cause people to lose focus on “real” racism? To me this sounds like something was overlooked, a person noticed and said something, and so the company fixed it. This is

This is probably the dumbest article I’ve ever seen published on this website.

I’ve always thought Ivanka’s use of words was compelling interest sincerely.

remember when every other day a beloved celebrity would die, now its what celebrity was sexually harassed, don’t want to know what next year’s trend will be. 

Now as a parent, I would be forced to tell my child “You want to choose the people you look up to carefully. Be like that nice man who calls named himself after a serial killer. He knows how to treat people with respect, unlike that vulgar idiot who just howls like a monkey who’s president.”

Janet Jackson has been weirdly excluded from the pop culture history of the 80s and 90s. She was a huge, influential star who made big creative swings. She paved the way for people like Beyonce. Yet she gets no respect.

And to make matters worse, you just fucking know that goddamned Jimmy Fallon will be wedged into this thing, mugging and giggling like a moron

The commercials are full of “sex sells” type of advertising but seeing a boob for a few seconds somehow was a sign of moral degradation. So stupid.

I think what’s most appalling is how much of his career trajectory Timberlake owes to the Jacksons- breakout star of a five-person group, went solo, straightened his hair, and somehow became whiter while still trying to keep his african american cred.

Man, this seems like forever ago, not just time-wise, but public morals/outrage-wise. I can’t imagine getting all bent out of shape about a nipple on TV, especially at a football game, where every one is so micced up that you hear at least two or three f-bombs yelled every game.