
We Cancelled A Zoo!

So Janet’s career gets basically destroyed and this little f*cker got no blame and now gets to come back to the Super Bowl. This is the privilege of white men in a nut shell.

Janet Jackson fans going to be pissed.

JC Chasez never would’ve hung Janet out to dry like that. #JusticeforJC

I’m in total agreement on the overall assessment of The LADB and the anger over how much of the last episode of the revival they took up. They were pretty much the last people I felt the need to check in on.

It really is the moment where the series ceases to be a comedy, and becomes a tragedy/cautionary tale about Rory’s wasted potential.

Yep. That wasn’t just character assassination. That was “shoot the character in the head, burn the corpse, piss on the ashes, bury them, dig them back up and defecate on them” level bullshit.

Sorry, I can’t buy for a second that Elliot would ever send his kid to conversion therapy.

He sure sucked the fun out of that one

That’s really what it reads like, right? “I wasn’t raped by Harvey Weinstein and it makes me feel unattractive, so I’m writing this to build up my self-esteem and the self-esteem of other girls who also weren’t raped because we have good qualities too.” Am I being unfair?

Don’t you just hate it when your words are taken for exactly what they mean and you have to run away from them?

She wrote it because she thinks she is very smart and delivered a hot take we all needed to hear.

That was the worst part of the whole thing in my opinion. It was worse than victim blaming, it was “deep down, you wanted this, didn’t you?”

Everyone Else: I was molested and/or harassed.

Blossom: But what about ME!

She’s an anti-vaxxer and encourages bullshit homeopathic medicine. She can go fuck herself forever.

Really? I can’t fucking stand her. Between her anti-vax dalliances, her hardline chickenhawkish “Israel has a right to defend itself!” bullshit and now this, I’m hoping BBT gets canceled tomorrow, and she sinks back into cultural irrelevance.

And she’s an anti-vaxxer. She’s just awful all around.

I must have missed this the first time around, reading the op-ed now, I’m mostly just confused as to why she wrote it. Its just kind of a weird sentiment throughout, using the Weinstein scandal as an excuse to launch in a bit of self-congratulations, deriding beautiful women for being insecure or naïve or for just not

What a fucking asshole. Seriously, Blossom have a fucking seat and shut the fuck up forever. We all know what you meant.

You’re leaving out what happened in the NYT Facebook live thing.... It was appalling, her lack of humility. At some point (the very end), the “interviewer” asked if they could touch on the article once more because some were still “harping on it”. She didn’t give a shit that what she said was horrible, and she