
I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

I initially read this as “more reasons to love and fear Carrie Fisher,” which I think is equally applicable.

In case you needed more reasons to love and miss Carrie Fisher.

This whole story is total bullshit. More left-wing lies from the lamestream media. Pence does NOT want to ‘hang all the gays’. He is a deeply religious man of unshakable conviction. He wants to stone them.

Astounding that Woody Allen is so un-self-aware that he thinks we need him to weigh in on this.

Man, I hope Rose McGowan is okay. I know she is finally venting a lot of emotions she has kept bottled up about her abuse from Weinstein and his enablers, but her tweets have me a little bit worried. Fight the good fight, Rose, but don’t let it consume you.

Oh! the irony of using “witch hunt” in this context! Yes, let us use this term whose etymology is rooted in a hugely misogynist and patriarchal period of our country’s past when women and girls were accused for going out of step of strict gender roles to describe the actions of when men are accused of upholding strict

Now, don’t be disgusting.

Surprisingly, the people who whine the most about everything being, “politically correct” and “snowflakes”, are in fact the biggest pussies out there.

The idea that the majority is somehow persecuted always confuses me. Like, oh how brave! You are standing up for something that half of the country already fervently defends and half of the country doesn’t give half a crap about! What a glorious stand! You are exactly the same as those Christians the Romans didn’t

You beat me to it. Although in fairness, L Word was not a good show.

The Shield.

Not one person mentioned brain-meltingly awful theme song to L-Word? That was during era where Showtime seemed determined to find worst possible theme song for everyone of its shows (Weeds also deserves hallowed place on this list).

The opening theme of Big Bang Theory is horrible.

An actual apology. No “I’m sorry if anyone was offended” crap. It was the wrong thing to say and he admits it. Good for him.

I would like to preemptively apologize for everything I did in the past that no one paid attention to at the time, but looks really bad now in light of current events.

...I had school in the morning...

I don’t know... say a little more? It’s the least he could do, but it’s also literally the least he could do.