
They aren’t dumping him for what he did, they’re dumping him because the world found out what they already knew. Remember that.

Good. Fuck Trump.

People really love taking stuff out of context just to prove a point. That isn’t what he said. He first said, even before he was famous he abhorred it, but having daughters just magnified that feeling even more. And he said it, in that order. Always read the original text...That said, I don’t totally believe that he

Yub nub.

In the beforetimes, we would have said it could be two things

I’m confused.

Do conservatives want Clinton to shut up and go away? Or do they want to try to use any and every news story to shove her back into the spotlight?

Yeah, Rogue One is about as dark and gritty as Star Wars ever needs to be.

I think some people have a fundamental misunderstanding of who this franchise is for.

Strong Disagree.

I mean, I wouldn’t want my mom to lose her coverage or anything, BUT HER EMAILS!!

Ah, the old “taken out of context” defense. Walkin’ it back here, boss, walkin’ it back.

“I’m deeply sorry that you were offended by my words.”

I like how they reiterated what this extremely brief, straightforward tweet said directly under it, in case we somehow missed it. Now that’s good reporting!

I kinda hope he doesn’t.

Oh my god fuck off. You are seriously complaining about the article “spoiling” the trailer.

“contains a sequence that some viewers might find traumatic”

This article is so speciesist. What about the cats?!

I completely believe you’re genuinely concerned with teenage women’s right to have sex with grown men and not angry because you don’t like being told that your own fantasies are gross and creepy.

If only all those gay people had better senses of humor about being used as a punchline.

Yeah I know, who would have thought that people who crave attention, fame, and/or money would turn out to be terrible people?