Count Velcro

The siberians had shrooms.

well, the finale was basically Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Eric Powell's Billy The Kid's Old Timey Oddities comic series comes to mind.

almost every movie Mickey Rourke is in, he has to have some kind of small animal.

weird how parodies of Palin end up being more likeable than the actual person..

I believe this example falls into the genre of death camp.

so luke is basically yoda. how original.


just make sure you burn that old mattress.

and how many households rely on the wife's ability to balance a checking account? quite a few.

the poster bit reminded me of "Roadrunner" cartoons.

how could you not see Kyle? He was THIS TALL(raises hand)!

Buffy's Dracula also gave him a new personality quirk: Insanely racist.

"this one time, in the concentration camp, I stuck a flute.."

Eph and Fet slowly come to the realization that Setrakian is terrible at planning.

EINSTEIN: I call this the "theory of relativity". SCIENTIST 1: Great job, Einstein. SCIENTIST 2: Yeah, nice one, Einstein. EINSTEIN: Fuck you guys.

glad to see Tucker Carlson abandoning the bowtie. Tucker is not worthy of the bowtie. Bowties are cool.

Captain John Hart from Torchwood.

Can we call this the Ramsey Test (after Charles, of course)?