Count Velcro

heh. you should see the drawings him and Berke Breathed use to exchange privately over the years.

the comics equivalent of Sisters of Mercy?

thanks Ouaggh'Bmagh.

they just got the most visible practitioner.

my protagonists are usually white men, because I am one. to write about a different sort I always thought would be intellectually dishonest on my part. but I'm always interested in other perspectives. to those that are "above race" and "Cant be racist", stfu. everone's a racist. get over yourselves.

that just went everywhere. I can't even tell if I agree or disagree with it, but it was a beautiful thing to behold.

I think the writer of this piece. means if it were a fictional context, it would most likely be the product of misogynist male author, like something that John Norman guy would think up. This comment is being addressed to commenters who are asking how this is misogynistic.

the funny thing about that film is that HR Giger did the designs for a completely different film.

I worked in a restaurant where this couple came in and began talking about how they were going to form a ministry. After they left, they swiped the olive oil caddy, but forgot their Blackberry. So of course they called back about the blackberry. One of the staff had programmed into the calendar reminder thing for24

because they are both lunatics.

DAMMIT! I was just going to make that comment.

I have found Gene Wolfe is useful for washing the George R.R. Martin out of one's brain.

At least Smith has a better American accent than Tennant. Also, I once bought moonshine from a 70 year old Jehovah's Witness named Adolf at that housing project when I was 19.

"the people are represented by the completely arbitrary sociopathic whims of their landowners"

didn't read that part. because DETROIT! DETROIT! DETROIT!

DETROIT! DETROIT! DETROIT!313!313! In this city, everybody has to wear t-shirts and ballcaps and bumper stickers and tattoos identifying the city. No one knows why.

"Stormfront" and "read" being in the same sentence is hilarious.

I love how Oberin's just sitting there saying,"you realize you're all full of shit.".

"This little fucker just pissed all over my cassock"

not all nuts.