Count Erpoint

They shop at Wal-Mart, the dumbfucks.

Shut up, stooge. Go play your ethical games with the Nazis.

Nah. We are supposed to despise stupidity and evil. Fuck any other complacent bullshit.

You need to calmly but firmly tell those people to go fuck off because they're wasting air that innocent people need to breathe.

Hey kiddo. This whole thing just makes me angry and sad and bitter. And I didn't need more bitter.

"Patriot" always has been. Sorry, but it's true.

Um. There's nothing decent about how these creeps were raised. Even if their parents are decent people, they raised cretins. That's NOT how raising is supposed to work.

I wish, but I'm afraid that's NOT how American history works.

Trump will be happy. He can blame "liberals."

Already surpassed the last decade in "worseness." Is fast approaching 1980s level of suck.

And THAT, Pen, is what I meant by the "good fight."

Because Americans be stupid and the myth of the rebellious underdog.

Kristallnacht in America.

Is that so, Elmer? Tell me, oh great fuckwad, what would Make Comments Great Again?

Go for it, Bolling, you dick. You've already inappropriately exposed yourself. Why stop now? The stupid country America needs a dick pressed right up in its stupid face, apparently.

The meme is…New York City?!!?

Nah. It's merely the favorite show of a niche of a niche.

Springsteen is reconsidering the price of front row tickets for his upcoming Broadway stint.

Yeah. This is fake. Individual packet or fuck off.

In order to "comeback," you have to have been something at one point, become "not something" at a later point, and returned to being something.