Count Erpoint

Boomer parents would let their very special, precious, gotta-be-encouraged-no-matter-what, "everybody wins" children spend money on anything, so the choice, and blame, remains on the children.

Wigga, please.

Hey. I diddin get where I wuz on no facts 'memberin.' Who you callin' stupid, stupid? My momma tol' me, ever'body's got an opinion, Elmer, sose you jus' mek sure yer's is the loudest.

Also, kind of a liar, but, okay, NOT TRUMP.

And people are stupid.

He told it like it was when the elites didn't want to listen.

Frankly, I'm hoping this country isn't around in 100 years and something far more enlightened has replaced it.

The only thing that article implies is that the Frable family are fucking idiots.

Do you even hip-hop, bro? Jebus!

These bros GET IT.

Hillary played nice. Hehehehehehehe.

Well, if we need one to prevent fucking Kid Rock from becoming a "leader," then we need one.

*throws an arm around Nate's shoulders*

Truly progressive voters don't give a fuck about being alienated.

Let me do the "counterpoint" thing. At least until the Kinjapox thing. Is it really that much to ask?

This one is all on you, Gen X. No Boomer EVER thought Kid Rock should be a fucking thing.

The Pursuit of Happiness.
Why? Do you wanna fight about it?

When two weeks ago it was at 100% for a week? Yes. That's a plummet.

It's a bad movie, but isn't it simply more an amateurish movie than a bad one?
"Worst movie ever" is so wasted as a description of THE ROOM.

I think they mean you, Junior - Ewic
Ssh, bud. - Junior