Count Erpoint

Boos wants to use the buttons to kill werewolves.

Problem with that is, we'll still see 'em because the wall will be see-through.

Shulkie, you start at the bottom of your blouse and begin to count the buttoned buttons. If you get all the way up to your chin, you're a Nancy.

It's not those things that upset righties. It's the very idea that those things are meaningful also for people who haven't reduced them to empty gesture representing capitalism and penises.

The trouble is, we'd still have them on our border.

Seriously, I don't think you can do well with anything, Johnny.

And mean as they wanna be.

So, is that where "toss your salad" comes from?

The reviews started out surprisingly strong for this one, but they've plummeted as more reviewers have seen it if that tells one anything.

I saw it in the theater. Why do you ask?

I dunno. I've been to Texas. I have family in Texas. I think Texans, mostly, are what gives Texas a bad name.

What are YOU on about? Are you suggesting that interests have biologies? Do you think mathematically equal proportions of men and women are interested in caring for others? Do you think mathematically equal proportions of men and women are interested in anything? Do you think that a gender's majority interest in a

What's the SPF rating of that sort of thing?

Why would I? Is there any actual information of any value in it? It's a memo by a butt-hurt white boy at Google. I don't work at Google, and my butt is fine, thank you. Go read some actual philosophy or some actual science or literature. Go try to increase your knowledge, instead of confirming your biases.

Marching. Marching. We're all marching!

There is no dialogue that you should expect, if you, as you insist, are so open to all voices. You've jumped into the bullpen wearing red, expecting the animal to compliment your fashion sense.

Oh honey, sssh.

You spelled "eunuch" wrong.

Stupid Americans doing more stupid stuff.
Keep it up. Can't get enough of it.

You're just mistaken. I don't know how else to put it. Most people cringed through a big chunk of that movie.