Count Erpoint

For fuck's sake, then…CAN WE STAY ON POINT?

I shouldn't jump into this, but when has "shouldn't" ever stopped me?


OK. But I can still refer to Bob as a feculent rectal canker, then?

The game of Limbo is not supposed to be played in a trench, but this is the world in which we live now.


To be fair…I didn't see Ghost of E. mention Hillary Clinton anywhere in his initial post. Her name was added to a discussion as a pivot, and E responded.

"The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants, according to a document obtained by The New York Times."

Which seems more and more like the single reason they keep propping Trump up. So that, in future elections, they can claim, "Hey, at least we're not that guy."

You're correct, of course. It's just so tiring to have to slog through every time.

"at long last"

No, it's the usual AV Club lazy bullshit. "Let's reinforce our Millennial cred."

"Bookers for Tuesday’s late night comedy shows seemingly followed a similar 'old white guys with baggage who would still be far better presidents than Donald Trump' strategy."

Five. It's hard to focus when one lusts for sex with one's own daughter.

I like your style.

Complacency, being the natural state of most Americans, isn't anything that requires much strategizing.

He vaz my BOYFRUEND!

The Republicans are the ones who insisted on sticking their dinghies in the law in the first place.

That's what you get for stealing all the opportunities that should be reserved for white people.

I don't understand why anyone more than three years removed from college would still want to maintain contact with a friend from college.